
Nov 20, 2010 16:37

 Title: Determination
Author: purple_Lights
Word Count: 2081
Summary: Because he's Harry Potter and once he's gotten over his indecision, he won't let Draco Malfoy stubbornness stand in their way of being a couple.
Rating: R
Warning: blow job, fingering
Author Notes: this is for enchanted_jae  challenge of 'what happens at (choice of place), stays at (choice of place). hd_seasons  prompts: leaves, red like blood; "I'm thankful for you."; "smile. It gives your face something to do."; "The passion we feel for one another doesn't have to be about hate, does it?"; a picture prompt and a quote. I'm not really sure about this story, do you think it's good.

"Whatever happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas!"

Harry sighed as the American phrase ran in his over and over again. Malfoy had certainly taken those words to heart, frantically telling Harry that just before he apparated away.

As much as Harry wanted to forget what happened between, his desire to have Malfoy under him, squirming in ecstasy, mewling deliciously and pouting beautifully overwhelmed him. Harry took a deep breath and glanced at the sign that spelled 'St. Mungos' before releasing his breath and ignoring the twinge of pain that shoot through from his shoulder.

Hopefully he would get treated by a certain Healer instead of being tended by a Mediwizard. Despite all Malfoy had screamed at him, Harry wasn't going to let things go. After all, he was never good at listening to orders or obeying rules.

Two Months Prior...

"Kingsley, you cannot be serious!" Harry exclaimed as he leaned forward in his chair to stare at the head Auror.

Kingsley leaned back in his seat and stared at Harry in something akin to disappointment. "I thought you had put the past behind you, Auror Potter--" Harry predictable flushes in shame at both his outburst and the disrespect he'd shown his boss by addressing him informally. "besides you know just as much as I, that we would have more casualties if we didn't Draco Malfoy for a healer."

Harry nodded in agreement. Draco Malfoy was one of the few natural healers in the Wizarding World, and he had received an Order of Merlin for his efforts. "So," He sighed, "I'm just going to be a bodyguard, right?"

Kingsley nodded. "You leave in two days, so you have that time to get ready."

With a mental sigh Harry got up, walked to the first available Floos opened and went home to pack.

59 Days Prior...

"Hello there, Potter. I'm surprised you're on time." Malfoy greeted as soon as he spotted Harry.

"Hi, Malfoy," Harry said through clenched teeth.

Malfoy of course took no heed to Harry's tone. "Well, are we just going to stand here and miss the port-key?"

Harry thought he could taste blood, he wouldn't doubt with how hard he was biting his cheek in order to not retort. It had been three years since he had last seen the blond, and Harry would like to think he had matured a little over that time; of course it would have to be bloody Malfoy to make his temper rise. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, "I'm an Auror, Malfoy. I've been trained for these things."

Malfoy smirked and Harry was temporarily distracted by full, pinks lips, until Malfoy opened his mouth. "Good. I would hate to sue the Ministry for their incompetent Aurors." The thinly-veiled sarcasm was obvious to Harry.

Harry was glad for the sharp tugging in his navel, signaling that the port-key had activated at that moment, because he was going to say or do something that would likely end up in his suspension or his loss of his job. Belated, Harry wondered if the first five minutes of them being together had almost resulted in blows or hexes, how they would survive the rest of month? Again Harry thought what exactly Kingsley had signed him up for.

47 Days Prior...

Things were going bad. Well not the kind of bad where you threaten-your-boss-with-a-resignation-paper bad, but the I'm-falling-for-the-client bad. Well, that was a lie too, Harry had plenty of dreams and wanking material due to the blond, but he never given them a second thought. Until now.

He and Malfoy were put up in a villa at Ceasar Palace, and he had caught the blond twice with nothing but a towel around his slim waist and water dripping down his body, the way he would suck on his fingers after eating bar-b-que chicken, and the way his face was lit up when he was passionate about something.

Yes, Harry Potter fancied Draco Malfoy.

He was so screwed. And not the kind of screwing he wanted to do with Malfoy.

34 Days Prior...

"Smile. It gives your face something to do." Harry reiterated what Malfoy told him before the meeting started to himself. 'I'm an Auror,' he thought, 'I'm paid to be scary and stoic, not smile like I'm going to be spread on a cover of a slutty magazine!'

After several days of putting up with Malfoy sexiness and not be able to do anything about it, Harry started to snark. However, it also had to do with jealousy. One in particular was Joe Miller, who stared at Draco vividly whenever he licked his fingers after eating chicken or when Draco was talking, which he was doing now...

"...I've found that mixing the Incito potion with the Permoveo potion, the creation can traverse the blood-brain barrier and go to the limbic system..."

Malfoy was saying and Harry told himself that it wasn't the time sulk when he had a duty to protect Malfoy from crazed fans and potential stalkers.

30 Days Prior...

Harry groaned. After weeks of staring at the pale skin of Draco Malfoy, he could finally taste it; he was glad that they was a celebratory party for the end of the healer conference because it seems that a variety of gin's, vodka's and moon shines he has Malfoy right where he wants him. It would just be the problem of the morning after.

"Ah!" Malfoy moaned.

Harry grinned from between Malfoy's spread thighs, as his hand worked on Malfoy's prick. "Do you like that?" Harry paused in his ministrations and watched as Malfoy's face screwed up before he opened his mouth to probably say something biting, but Harry twisted his hand and laughed softly at the groan that issued from Malfoy's mouth.

While putting three of his fingers into Malfoy's mouth, Harry bent down to lick several hot stripes up and down Malfoy's prick. He ignored Malfoy's demand for more when the blond lifted his hips up and whined. After licking, Harry pulled away slightly and blew his breath and watched in enjoyment as Malfoy lifted his hips up and his prick bobbed Harry on the nose.

Pulling his fingers from Malfoy's mouth and moving them in-between Malfoy bum cheeks, Harry simultaneously lowered his head and opened his mouth to engulf the head. Malfoy came when Harry had two fingers up his arse. Harry continued to bob his head as he swallowed and a third finger joined the other two.

When Harry was satisfied, he took his fingers out and pulled back and allowed Malfoy several moments of reprieve before he moved closer in-between Malfoy's thighs. "Did you think we are finished?"

22 Days Prior...

Harry poured himself into his work with a fervor that scared and surprised his friends.The excuse he gave them was because he came to a revelation that staying idle didn't work for him and that he needed to be in the action. Ron had called him an idiot for not realizing it sooner than everyone else had.

He laughed with his friends on the joke and they went out for round of drinks, Harry made sure to out of Hermione's range for questioning; she had been staring at him all evening.

"Hello, Luna," Harry greeted; Luna was one of the few people Hermione still didn't get along with well, thus it made her a perfect deterrent.

Luna looked up from her oddly shaped, opaque glasses and nodded, "Hello, Harry. Are you alright?"

Harry blinked, he didn't think he was that obvious. "What do you mean?" the smile Harry gave felt strained.

Luna smiled enigmatically and pat Harry's shoulder consolingly. "You have a surplus of wrackspurts." she stated and Harry winced internally, not because he knew what a surplus of wrackspurts meant, but because her glasses slid down the ridge of her nose and Harry found himself staring into clear, light blue eyes that reminded him too much of Malfoy's. "That only happens when you're hypercritical of something. Bring things out to the open and you'll be surprised at the results."

1 Day Prior...

Harry silently cussed himself as his shoulder twinged again in pain. A wrestling match with Ron, who beat him in both height and weight, what was he thinking?

An insistent tapping at his window got Harry's attention and he jumped in surprised as his shoulder throbbed in protest. Who was sending him something at this time of day? Granted it was only three o'clock, but Harry only wanted to take a hot shower and sleep until morning.

He opened the window and let the tawny owl he recognized as Luna's in, took the documents from the offered leg and gave the owl some oats and water. Harry took at the biggest parchment and promptly threw it away when he read the title on the Daily Prophet: Draco Malfoy to Go Overseas to Teach?

Next, Harry looked at the card.

Click on the picture to read the inside

The quote made no sense to Harry and with a sigh he wonder what Luna was trying to say. Harry read the last piece of parchment the owl had given him.


A hogwrench once told me that I had to distinguished what needs to be done from what doesn't. I've found it's a matter of priority and that going with flow sometimes isn't as great as becoming a tide and washing away footsteps.

- Luna

It was like catching the snitch all over again, because Harry got it. If he were to stay idle and not become a tide, things will change and he'll have no active voice it. Thinking back to the Daily Prophet title and the ignored throbbing of his shoulder, Harry thought it was time he visited Healer Malfoy and get some things fixed; this was not something to be left undone.

With that in mind, he turned to head to his bathroom, Harry glanced at out his window and saw an autumn tree that had leaves, red like blood. Harry hoped that wasn't fore-shadowing how his heart would feel after his confrontation with Malfoy.

Present Day...

Harry steeled himself for whatever Malfoy might throw at him, but he was still unprepared for the venomous glare he was given; he hadn't seen a glare like since his days in Hogwarts. "Hello, Malfoy."

"Auror Potter," Harry winced at the title, this was going to be harder than he thought. "what brings you here today?"

"I'm off-duty today, Malfoy. And it's my shoulder that hurts."

"Be that as it may, I am on duty and I would appreciate it if you didn't call me so informally."

Harry gritted his teeth, why did Malfoy have to be a jerk? "Why do you have to be a jerk!?" This was going bad, Malfoy had narrowed his eyes before he swiftly moved behind Harry, who wondered if he had a masochistic fetish because why else would he say that to a person who can legally mess with his body?

He grunted in pain as Malfoy used his wand to hit his shoulder and chant a spell. "There, Potter, we're all done. Although I do advise you to not strain your shoulder for the next two days."

Malfoy walked to his desk as Harry rotated his shoulder to see how fine it was. When he was satisfied, Harry got up and wrapped his arms around Maloy's waist.

"Don't you know when you're being dismissed, Potter?"

Harry ignored Malfoy's sneer as he tighten his hold on Malfoy's waist and pulled his back to Harry's chest. "The passion we feel for one another doesn't always have to be hate, does it?"

182 Days Later...

Harry smiled while the warm, pliant weight in his arms snuggled impossible closer. "Whoever thought you were a snuggler, Draco?"

"Shuddup!" Was Draco sleepy, slurred reply.

"Oh, I've never thought I'd see the day when Draco Malfoy is reduced to monosyllabic words." Harry taunted, knowing Draco was going to make him pay.

"Harry, I'm trying to sleep, I just got off from a double-shift and if you don't want to be my quiet pillow, I will apparate, or floo back to my flat."

Harry didn't reply to Draco's threat, instead he ran a hand up and down Draco's back gently and placed a kiss on Draco's cheek. As he thought about how he and Draco got together, and the thank-you gift Harry sent Luna with a card that said, "I'm thankful for you."

fic: determination, harry/draco

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