Aug 22, 2013 23:26
Show of hands.
Who thinks I'm being petty for not letting someone back into my life who once pulled out a knife and threatened me with it?
Who thinks I'm being petty for not speaking to someone who thinks survivors of sexual assault are lying? (Let's not forget that four different men have sexually assaulted me--but I'm obviously just lying since none of them are in jail).
Who thinks I'm being petty for choosing not to have a relationship with a person who justified his past sexual harassment of me by saying I shouldn't have been revealing cleavage?
I've received a lot of pressure in the last month to let this go. Tonight I found out that one of my friends of 10+ years won't return my phone calls because of this.
I don't usually air my "dirty laundry" in public. I prefer to lend my voice to those who can't speak for themselves. But tonight I'm speaking for me.
This is bullshit.
I do not have to let someone who has a negative effect on my emotional and mental well-being back into my life. I don't give a damn how many mutual friends we have.
I have spent more time crying directly caused by this person's words to me than I have cried over anything else in my life. Why would I voluntarily expose myself to that? What is the purpose of maintaining contact with someone who formerly had the life goal of making me hate myself? I'm not a masochist.
So. To all the people who have decided to meddle in my affairs. To all the people who are apparently taking sides, something I would never ask you to do.
If you so desperately need me to forgive this person, you should probably insist this person manages to apologize for the CONTENT of what was said, and not just how/where it was said.
Until then, I'm doing pretty well in Ohio, with friends who actually prioritize my well-being.