Bucket List

Mar 07, 2011 16:51

So, this isn't my personal bucket list that I've put together, but a meme/email going around that I stole from the beautiful Allison.

Like she said, it's amazing how much I've done already in less than 24 years. I'm so young but I've lived so much. I hope to keep living my life like  this!

Bucket List

This is for your Entire Life!
(x ) Shot a gun - A debutante party, no less!
( x) Gone on a blind date - My first Kappa function! Alison set up both Katie & me. I don't think we ever talked to them again, but they were both nice dates, and we had a pleasant evening. Glad I tried it!
(x) Skipped school - My mom took my brothers and me out of school early to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the day it came out. I probably skipped more Furman classes than I should have...
() Watched someone die
( ) Been to Alaska
( ) Been to Cuba
( x ) Been to Europe - Pretty sure I followed my dreams all the way to France...
( ) Been to South America
(  ) Been to Las Vegas
(  )Been to Mexico
(x ) Been to Florida - Hello, Disney World!!!!
( X ) Been on a plane
( x)Served on a Jury - Called up for jury duty twice in one summer! Had to attend both since one was for circuit court and the other was for magistrate's court. They picked me at one,  but not the other. Interesting experience.
(X) Been lost - Best way to discover a new city!
(x ) Been on the opposite side of the country - I've lived in both California and South Carolina.
(x ) Gone to Washington ,DC - 6th grade class trip. Leadership program junior year. Both excellent!
(X) Swam in the Ocean - Does wading count?
(X) Cried yourself to sleep - When I was seven and thought I was dying. After crying myself to sleep, my parents cried watching me sleep.
(  ) Played Cops and Robbers
( ) Played Cowboys and Indians
() Recently colored with crayons(never too old for crayons) -
(X) Sang Karaoke - Oh, hey, not only have I sung High School Musical karaoke in Greenwood, and Taylor Swift at the Barn in Greenville, but I totally rocked some Beatles with Kate during Christmas break here in Niort.
( X) Made prank phone calls - The good old days before caller ID!
( x) Laughed until some beverage came out of your nose - It stings!
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X ) Danced in the rain - One of my favorite things to do.
( X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
() Been kissed under the mistletoe
(  ) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
( ) Gone ice skating
( ) Gone skiing
( ) Camped out under the stars
(X) Seen something so beautiful that it took your breath away - The sun emerging from behind the clouds and shining through the stained glass windows while I was in the cathedral in Toulouse.
( ) Are or have been married
( ) Have children
() Have or had a pet -Allergies. Pet snake one day!
(X ) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(X) Been fishing - Haha, that was a failed attempt, but so much fun, with Madison and Cory back in the day.
( X) Been boating
(  ) Been Water Skiing
(X) Been Hiking - Really wimpy hiking.
( ) Been camping in a trailer/RV
() Flown in a small 4-seat er airplane
( ) Flown in a glider
() Been flying in a helicopter
( ) Been flying in a hot air balloon
( ) Been bungee-jumping
(x ) Gone to a drive-in movie - With Taylor! Double feature with G-Force and The Proposal. So much fun.
(x ) Done something that should have killed you - Driving to Augusta with my mom. Had to slam on the brakes and swerve to the right since an 18-wheeler had decided to pass multiple cars on a double yellow line going around a curve. He came with a foot or two or my car. I was 15. Didn't get behind a wheel again for about a year.
() Done something that you will regret (feel sad about) for the rest of your life. - My only regrets are from not doing things.
( ) Been to Africa
(x ) Ever ride an elephant - San Diego Zoo, several times!
( X) Ever eaten just cookies for dinner, AND, pies, cakes, candy, ice cream, strawberry shortcake - Uh, duh. I've  had nothing but cake for breakfast, nothing but pie for lunch, nothing but ice cream for dinner (not all in the same day, though).
(x) Ever been on T.V. - So many times I've almost lost count. I was a miracle child for Children's Miracle Network, so that involved my story being broadcast on the local news in Georgia. I was also interviewed for their local news program. I was in a local political commercial with my mom. My 5th grade GT teacher was featured on the news (along with his students). I was on the news from a local political rally. I have more stories, but I think that's sufficient.
( ) Ever steal any traffic signs... - Nah, total goody-goody here.
(X) Ever been in a car accident? - Two while driving, but neither were my fault. Once at Furman, once in Le Vésinet.
( ) Bailed out of Helicopter/Plane
(X) Have a nickname? - Breetee, Taco (don't ask), Lil von Trapp, Ritab, and my favorite, Breet.
( ) Ever been SCUBA diving?
( X ) Tattoos (permanent or temporary) - SOIXANTE DIX HUIT
(X ) Body piercings - just ears

Mother’s name: Lee
Favorite drink: soy chai latte
Favorite Number: 3 and 7
Favorite Movie: I can't name just one.
Favorite Dessert: Smores - Apple tarte or apple pie
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married with a Ph.D., teaching at a school similar to Furman, probably with one kid (or at least one on the way).

bucket list, meme, france, crohns, friends, kappa, dance, furman, family, karaoke, debutante

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