
Jan 18, 2010 22:38

It's nice to know people love me. I'm not alone. I have my family. I have my friends. I have my sisters. I have the au pairs. I have Paula and my kids. I have all the people from church.

People across the globe have been praying for me. Strangers prayed for me. Not just people who know my grandmother or my parents or whoever, but even people who work for United Airlines were praying for me.

The hospital staff in Virginia was very kind to me. I mean, I'm sure they see horrible stuff all the time, but a 22-year-old girl, nine hours away from home, missing her flight to Paris, all alone in the hospital, hoping she doesn't need surgery, with no health insurance? And especially someone like me, always polite and kind and inquisitive. Then again, I also spent half the time bawling my eyes out on the phone, understandably so.

Any time I stop and think I get depressed. I'm trying not to think, at least not about my bills.

I'm watching stupid movies, like all the sequels to Bring It On. I have a secret love for cheerleading movies.

I'm preparing for my trip back. I had to buy a new duffel bag, since the airline broke the wheels off mine. So frustrating. But it was only $30 at Wal-mart for a new one.

I have a new purse, too, that makes me happy. It's a purple faux-skin bag that's big enough to hold a library book or two, just what I wanted. Since I found it at TJ-Maxx, for the incredibly low price of about $18, I splurged on a sparkly keychain too, with a heart, fleur-de-lis, and key on it, which I then attached to my new purse.

Going to Furman last week was amazing. It's nice to know I'm loved and missed. I didn't tell anyone I was coming except Christin, McPhee, and Allison M. When I showed up at chapter, everyone freaked out. Some of my favorite girls practically flew across the room to come and hug me. Apparently everyone keeps up with me on facebook, so they all knew I've been sick, and they've all been worried about me. I love my sisters so so much. Being at chapter was amazing. Christin and I ended up talking until 2am about just life and everything. She's the best little I could have ever imagined.

Allison and I lunched the next day and then went to TJ Maxx. She's one of my Delta girls. :) The Tridelts may as well be my second sorority, considering how many of those girls are like my sisters to me.

I ended up having dinner in the DH. Ahh, good times. Cassie swiped me in, and I ate with a table of Kappas. Have I mentioned how much I love my sisters?

It's nice to know I had an effect on these girls. So many of the ones who were really excited to see me, who have missed me...they're sophomores and juniors this year. I didn't really have that much time with them at Furman, but apparently I made a difference. It's nice to know that. I cherish them, and I can't imagine my life without them.

I'm starting to think again. I have to stop. I just can't handle it; I really can't.

Maybe I should try going to bed. I've been struggling with insomnia, but I avoided napping yesterday and consumed almost no caffeine, so I actually fell asleep normally. I woke up early this morning to see the dentist, and I haven't napped today either. My last caffeine was tea with lunch. Maybe I can fall asleep. Maybe I won't be plagued with overthinking.

I hate this. I was only really happy at lunch today, with Daddy, and then on the phone with Matt.

I don't know if I can handle this.

crohns, friends, kappa, church, furman, family, au pair, stress, shopping

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