so...i'm in the hospital instead of France

Jan 03, 2010 22:43

I can't get my laptop to work, but at least I can use my TV to go online. Unfortunately, facebook doesn't work because the browser is too old.

I was supposed to fly out to France yesterday and arrive early this morning. My plane from Greenville was delayed 2 1/2 hours, so I missed my connection in D.C. to France. Blessing in disguise?

Last night, I stayed in a nice Hyatt for half the price (a deal with the airlines) and enjoyed talking to everyone else stuck there overnight, most for international flights as well. We also bonded because the hotel staff was understaffed, so it took forever for anyone to get the food they ordered. I very much enjoyed my tomato bisque...after an hour-long wait. Then I went upstairs to read a bit before bed.

I started having pain when I went to bed, sometime between 11pm and midnight. Between my belly button and my right side, I had severe pain anytime I moved. I was fine if I stayed still, but I shift a lot in my sleep. Everytime I shifted, I woke up in pain.

Since it didn't go away in the morning, I called home, crying. Mom suggested I take some Tylonel and wait half an hour. I did, no change. I then took a taxi to an ER to get checked out.

They were very very nice at the ER. It took awhile to get everything done, but my CAT scan showed inflammation of the ilieum (big surprise), an abscess, and an obtrusion of the bowel. The doctor told me he recommended an overnight stay at the hospital.

An ambulance transferred me to Fair Oaks. The EMTs were really nice too.

I've spent half the day crying, which is understandable. Harry and Jim are driving through the night to be with me, and Matt wanted to come too, but he starts classes on Wednesday. Rachel updated my facebook status for me this afternoon, although that was before I knew I'd have to stay here. Annie and Katie left me a really encouraging voicemail, I talked to Bethany a bit, Taylor texted me, and according to my parents, lots of people have contacted them to say that they are praying for me.

It just sucks, a lot, being here. I'm tired, I'm bored. I'm on clear liquids only until midnight, and then nothing, not even water. I'm hooked up to an IV--my first--so that will ward off dehydration. Ha, I'm in so much pain that they put me on morphine. That's a first as well.

Luckily, Mom contacted Stu who contacted Paula, so she knows where I am. That was one of my biggest concerns.

I need to laugh. Hopefully, mlia will work with this browser.

home, france, crohns, friends, family

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