May 29, 2005 17:32
i guess this weekend was successful and i couldn't have done it without a bunch of people, so thanks everyone for not being crazy, yet still getting ridiculous. good times had by all hopefully, and it was nice having negra and sam come b/c they are obviously the coolest juniors ;) everything just went really well and i'm glad.
I got to spend lots of time with matt this weekend which was just great because hes an awesome mooch and i heart him. i just love being around him, and he always amazes me. <3
Me and jen ate some sushi last night, and i enjoy the rolls, but jen tried some other kind that made her gag. her face was priceless, and i loved it. minus dumb waitresses.
just went to the mall with clint and realized we only have 2 weeks or so of school left which is just crazy. usually i'd be excited and shit but now i just feel this pain and nervousness. sucks.
i'm ridiculously behind in school, and i'm worried, but mostly just annoyed that i still have to deal with these classes b/c quite frankly judy, they mean shit right now. i'd rather just spend some extra time with my friends than write poems about things i dont' care about and try to sound deep or do problem sets on einsteins theory of whatever. ohhhh well...
i love my friends so much :D
ball is in less than a week and i am so ready for it!!! i wanna just wear my dress all week... but i can't so fine i'll just look at it and get even more excited.