Greetings from the pile of clothes i hide under

Oct 31, 2005 21:30

oh, hello i didn't see you come in, please sit down and make your self at name is Aaron, But my friends call me Ogre,
so you can call me Professor Thunderdust......

lets see, it is 9 p.m. on halloween and i am home, locked in my cage in the basement of an abandoned mental asylum....i know what your thinking "this guy must have a huge.....ego, er i mean, penis"...yes i do(LIE) but too bad my girlfriend owns my soul and my sweet sweet ass

you may ask how does a sex god like me find satisfaction with just one woman? to which i would reply, STOP ASKING SO MANY GODDAMN QUESTIONS OR I WILL BURN DOWN YOUR GRANDPARENTS HOUSE AND MAKE THEM WAIT IN A LONG LINE TO RECEIVE THE INSURANCE HAHAHAHAHA. because Hey, that's how we roll in the Al-Quaida.....

to the pandas the continuously kick me in the scrotum as i sleep, please don't stop, i know it's wrong but it feels so right

all the way to the bank

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