Aug 29, 2006 21:25
Hey everyone,
I had to help freshmen with their move-in today by going to their cars when they were arriving and giving them folders full of Orientation stuff. I also sang in the parking lot and at our College Celebration with After Hours.
I have 15 out of 18 of the books I need for my one English class. Yeah, 18 for a fucking English class. It's bullshit.
I have a pretty easy day tomorrow. I only have to get up early to go greet the parents at this one event, which will take all of 15 minutes.
I was going to do some shopping, but after I saw how many books I have to get and how much it costs, I'm anticipating $600 on books, and I can't afford to go out and get a new pair of shoes.
Oh, and by the way, the bullshit has started. I'm ready for another stupid year. Do I really have to be here for this?