Feb 14, 2006 23:29
Hi everyone,
Happy Valentine's Day! I actually sort of remembered this year, which was pretty surprising. Regardless of whether I have a boyfriend or not, I'm always forgetting until maybe a week before it actually occurs, when people start talking about it.
So...Matt and I have done nothing for this romantic holiday. I had an exam yesterday that I had to study all weekend for, and I have an exam coming up Thursday morning, so I didn't get a chance to go shopping and all that jazz. I did get him a card though. Friday night will be our Valentine's Day...er...Night.
Anyways, it doesn't really matter. My parents sent me stuff for Valentine's Day, which I think is really cute. Even when you have a boyfriend, it's nice to get shit from your parents on V-Day.
And speaking of V-Day, we should also think about domestic violence against women. I mean, why wouldn't you, when today you're supposed to spread the love? That's what the Vagina Monologues thing I'm doing is all about...it's supposed to be around Valentine's Day, but it's not until March 3rd this year (due to scheduling of the auditorium, I assume). Anyway, that was just a small little spiel.
Um...yeah. I'm sick of studying. It's going to be so weird taking all English classes Sr. year. I'll probably enjoy it though: no recitations, workshops, homeworks, or labs. Just reading, analyzing, writing, in that order, with some classroom discussions thrown in. If you took out my extra science bullshit I have now (workshops, labs, etc), I would have 9.25 hours free, minus any time that I spend on Webwork for Calc and lab write-ups. These are just the basic things, folks, not counting lecture.
So...more studying.