Mar 18, 2004 16:11
well, TONIGHT i will write my speech !!! i didnt have time last night cuz Survivor was on ..then i had to go on neopets for a party !!! it was really to say.its snowing hard down here.not like a heavy type of snow but its still coming down hard !!!! lol !!!.....hummm...... does anyone watch a show called degrassi ???? i watch it sometimes and im really starting to like it.i was on the website for like 30min looking at everything.....
RAWR !!!!!!! my msn wont work !!!!! says that there is a problem with the connection or something like that. this happened to me like 6 months ago and i just let it be for a day and it was back to normal...I WANT MY MSN !!!!!!
...well, u know what ?? i need to make a cd list so i can burn a cd !!!!! oh what fun !! lol...i hate putting the songs on the playlist-cd-burning-thingy. it takes too long !!! lol !!..but if i want a cd...i guess i need to. and then if i dont get the right cd's or sometimes it just happens, the cd comes out cuz there is something wrong with it. oh...i hope i remember how to do it !!! its been like 8 months since i burned my last cd.........i remeber..i think. i will do it sometime...if i have enough songs. if not then i will have to wait. lol !! well i should start to make it now !! c ya !!