I found out about lj's doubling the icons (to a grand total of 6) for free accounts only hours before I heard about John Spencer's death, and then I forgot all about this for a while. When it finally did return to my radar and I wanted to update the pretty, I decided to wait because we just got actual Photoshop on one of the computers at work. Unfortunately, someone else is using that computer all month and I haven't even had a chance to attempt to figure out how to use Photoshop (even for, you know, legitimate work things). And now with two grants and training for a third on my To Do list (this is where the *headwall* icon is appropriate), who knows how long it will be before I am able to do that. I am impatient, so fleh, I just used what I've used before. They not as cool as they could have been though. Caps are from screenmusing.net: