Dealing w/ the issues of gay marriage & abortion ---

Oct 15, 2004 17:51

  Marriage - between a man & a woman

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strawberrixkiss November 7 2004, 17:13:11 UTC
This literally makes me sick. Yes, in the bible 'god' states that gay marriage and abortions are wrong. But in this day and age, we all arent Christian. Im Pagan, and however I might be wrong to you, but I am very right to me. We all have different views and different ways of thinking. And in everyones own right and mind, were all correct on our thoughts, because no one really knows. And for that same reason, you cant call any one way of thinking wrong. Because no one has come back and told us the truth from the dead.

The bible also states that you should treat each other equally, or how youd like to be treated. How would you like it if I made anti-conservative and anti-christian colour bars? You wouldnt like it, I know that for a fact. and people who have had abortions for one reason or another (I myself being very close to having one) or who are gay and or bisexual (I myself, again) take extreme offence to this.

Might I offer a different suggestion, make pro. colour bars. Like Proud to be Christian, or Proud Believer in 'god.' It sends a much more positive message. But instead your contributing to the hate in this world.

Just because you think something is wrong, doesnt make you right. Just because you plus a million other people think its wrong, doesnt make you all right.

You have to have an open mind. If you open your eyes and judge people not on how they chose to live their lives, but who they are as a person, youd be a better christian. I know, I was once cathoilc, a form of christianity, too.


wolfpackangel06 November 7 2004, 18:17:07 UTC
Sorry but I'm standing up for her.

Just because you think something is wrong, doesnt make you right.

Just b/c you think you're right doesn't make you right either. We are all entitled to our own opinions, because there's this one word called FREEDOM. It's her journal, so if you don't like what she has to say, don't come bashing her for her beliefs and opinions on things.


strawberrixkiss November 7 2004, 20:13:32 UTC
Sure, theres freedom. But are we all really free? Not in this country.. but thats a different arguement.

You obviously did not read my comment carefully. I never said I was right, and I didnt say she was wrong either. Non was I 'bashing' her. I simply gave my opinion, which I am rightly allowed too, because of this 'freedom' and if she didnt want people to have a problem with her, then she should have made positive colour bars, like I suggested, because shes just spreading hate, and hate is the last thing this world needs right now.

I dont have a problem with her believing what she wants to. But I was simply trying to encourage a more positive way.. instead of being anti and negative about not only one, but two very contraversial subjects.


moongiechan November 8 2004, 23:24:25 UTC
Hahahaha, how can there be freedom when others are oppressed? And for who they love, no less? What a fantastic country we live in!


superrock November 9 2004, 01:11:18 UTC
They are wrong for thinking they love them.


moongiechan November 9 2004, 15:02:22 UTC
Hmm, did you say this some where else, or did I just read it in my inbox? :D I don't want to go all out and argue your point if I've already done it in a different thread~


purple_dreamz15 November 9 2004, 09:15:16 UTC
You’re a member of 1truelove, aren’t you? Why are you a member if you don’t believe what God says?


moongiechan November 9 2004, 15:01:11 UTC
I think I answered this before...

I like reading (and occassionally debating ;D) the ideas that you girls have in that community. I'm an ex-Christian, though.


purple_dreamz15 November 11 2004, 09:16:44 UTC
Ahh, I see.

Can I ask a question? Why aren't you a Christian anymore? What turned you away from God?


moongiechan November 11 2004, 14:16:00 UTC
I think it was a slow process. No big event made me fall away from Christianity. I realized over time that there were too many Christian beliefs that I could never agree with.

I don't know if I'm agnostic or atheist, though. Sometimes I think there might be a higher power, not the Christian God neccessarily, but something that just watches and does nor save nor punish. Something like that!


purple_dreamz15 November 8 2004, 09:05:20 UTC
There are anti-conservative and tons of anti-Christian things. But, I don't go around blasting the ppl who made them. But, sorry if the color bars offended you.

I'll think about your suggestion. Those would be pretty nice.

I do have an open mind, which is why I made this entry so people can comment. Besides, who's judging? All the color bars say is "Abortion is homicide" and "Marriage is sacred." And, that is what I truly believe, not only because God said it, but because I have morals and values. I know in my heart that gay marriage and abortion is wrong.


strawberrixkiss November 8 2004, 15:45:53 UTC
Yes, they are anti-christian messages out there. And everyone has a right to freedom to speech and thought, but I know those anti-messages make you feel bad or angry towards those people. So, what I am saying is that you are contributing to the hate in this world.

Okay, so you believe gay marriage is wrong and abortions are homicide. I believe gay marriages are beautiful because it involves love and unity, not only mentally and emotionally but physically as well. And I also believe women should have the right to chose to abort their baby for which ever reason it may be, good or bad. People have different opinions, yes. And there is nothing wrong with that. Infact I love discussing things like this.

But I think you could have presented yourself in a better mannor then being so Anti.

I have morals and values as well, just because mine are more accepting doesnt make me wrong.
Just because yours are more conservative doesnt make you wrong either.

Also, do you truly believe that they are wrong in your heart? Or were you taught to believe that in your heart they are wrong?

Forgive me, but I love to question peoples morals and thoughts. It makes for stimulating conversations. Thank you for replying in a nice mannor. Appericated. :)


purple_dreamz15 November 8 2004, 16:01:49 UTC
If a gay couple have kids, how would it affect them? Have you ever thought of that? Children need a stable environment - a mom and dad. They grow up better with that.

But, don't forget adoption. There are plenty of of couples out there who'll love their adopted child and raise them up right.

I believe these things because I know gay marriage is wrong in my heart. Not only because God says it, or that I'm taught that way. It's called a conscience.

And, thank you too for responding in such a nice way. You wouldn't believe how immature and insecure people can be. It's enough to drive a person crazy.


strawberrixkiss November 8 2004, 17:54:23 UTC
So what if a child has two fathers and no mothers, or two mothers and no fathers. Sure, they life will be more difficult, but it wont make them any less of a person, nor will their enviroment be anyless stable from yours. They can still provide the child love, a home, clothes and shelter. And you cannot say they grow up better. My best friend's parents are gay and he is the sweetest, nicest person I have ever met, and I wouldnt change him for the world.

Adoption. Would you like to carry a child inside of you, love it, feel it become a part of you for 9 months only to have it ripped outta your arms upon birth? Abortion offers less mental and emotional pain because you do not have a chance to become attached. Im not saying that abortions should be a form of birth control, but I would like to have my right to choose.

Can you honestly say that at the time you were born you believed gay marriage and abortions were wrong? You had to be taught it. your taught what to believe, unless you develop your own views on life and society though your own personal experiences.


purple_dreamz15 November 8 2004, 20:35:02 UTC
If a child doesn’t have both a mom and a dad, there life is less stable. That’s why those adoption agencies don’t allow only a woman or only a man to adopt…they need both parents. That’s awesome that your friend is the way he is, but many kids don’t grow up the same way. That’s also why theres organizations like Big Sister and Big Brother. But, I won’t go further into that.
Wait, you’re saying, the mother carries the child, loves it, is a part of her for nine months… The baby is inside of her…and when they kill it? How much better is that than knowing she’s brought a life into the world, and even though she can’t support the child, is strong enough and loving enough to give it up for adoption?
No, when I was born, I didn’t even know such things existed. Why? Did you? Did you know from the beginning that it was “right?” Yes, I was taught what I believe. But, even if someone was taught totally the opposite, they can still feel (unless they’ve ignored it all their life, and no longer have a conscience) that it’s not right in their heart.


strawberrixkiss November 9 2004, 08:38:00 UTC
They do have both parents, both just happen to be same sex. Which is a very stable enviroment. Also, have one parent doesnt make it any less stable, they still love their child and provide for it the best they can. I know people who've grown up with same sex parents or one parent who have turned out much better morally and responsiblly then some of my friends with both parents of opposing sex. Just the circumstances, you cant put a ratio to it. Its simply impossible.

When I was considering the fact that I was pregnant, I wanted an abortion. Not only because I was 16, still i school and would have no place to live when my father founf out I was pregnant, but I couldnt handle the emtional stress of putting my child up for adoption. Having my child aborted at 3 weeks old would have been more benefical to me emotionally because I knew I couldnt handle the pregnancy and the adoption stages. People who get abortions early on in the pregnancy dont have a chance to become emotionally attached to their under developed fetuses, where as if they carry and care for the child for nine months, and then adoption, it tears a person apart inside. You are a stronger person if you can do that, and more power to you if you can.. but its in human nature to find the easiest and most pain free way out of a sistuation.

Also abortion has been around ever since the tme of Jesus and many thousands of years before. Mixing certain plants and roots and boiling them to extract the chemical compounds, when drunk will abort and kill the fetus, thus causing a miscarriage. Shamans have know about it since the dawn of pagan religions.

No, I didnt believe anything was right when I was born, no one does. But I havent taken what has been taught to me, Catholism, and taking a mixture of other religions I have studied (Paganims, Shamanisn, Hinduism etc) and formed my own belife system, rather then being taught someone elses.


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