You are a disgusting homophobic conservative fucktard. Marriage is about love, about commitment. It should not matter whether your significant other is a man or a woman, as long as there is love. You should not let other people, even if that person is God, dictate who you are to marry. Personally, I do not beleive in God, but whatever that's your choice. But what is not your choice is who people are to marry. Who cares, it's not like any of these people affect you are anything. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual. In fact, it means that you really accept yourself. People who are invloved with same-sex marriages must be so confident, so accepting, that they let their love out in the open. You should respect them for that, not shun them.
As for abortion, it is NOT homicide. If the fetus is "killed" within the first six weeks, it is not really considered "alive". If the woman was raped, if she is so poverty-stricken that she cannot possibly afford a child, or if the pregnancy will kill her, she should be allowed the option of abortion. I would much rather have an abortion than have my child grow up knowing that it's practically his fault that his mommy is gone. Again, you should not let homophobic conservative fucks like you and George Bush dictate what you do with yourself and your life.
Is there anything in my entry about shunning them? No. If there is, show me.
Let's see - I love my brother, why shouldn't I marry him? My mom? I know a bunch of great guy friends, why not just marry all 5 of them? it's love, and no one should dictate who I'm to marry, right?
Abortionis murder. As soon as the egg is fertilized, it begins life, and begins to grow.
No, George Bush isn't telling me what to do. I know that abortion and gay marriage is wrong.
I mean that marriage is love as in loving someone so much that you would like to spend your whole life with them. If you love someone that much, what does it matter if they are the opposite sex or the same sex? You love them, and that should be all that matters.
The fetus does not have a regular, strong heartbeat until the fourth week of pregnancy, and I beleive that something is not alive until it has a heartbeat. And I absolutley do not believe in abortion just because, I don't believe in it unless it is incest or rape etc.
Do you believe that abortion and gay marriage is wrong just because the Bible said so?
well we live in a day and age where there are more things then love to marriage...there isnt anything anyone can do about it. it matters if they are the same sex or not the same because God made Humans, Adam and Eve...not Adam and Steve. God speaks clearly in the Bible that Homosexuality is wrong. I live by God's word because it is the truth.
The fetus is a living human being... 1) we are all made of cells right? cells are living correct? the fetus is made out of cells! y might u ask? the egg CELL and the sperm CELL join and create new CELLS! which means that the fetus is living. Just because the fetus doesnt have a heart beat for a while does NOT mean its dead
Because its wrong? I think gay marriage and abortion is wrong, not only because God says it, but because I have morals and values. I know that it's wrong.
Okay, let me try explaining it this way. When you plant a seed in dirt and water it, the seed begins to grow. For awhile, all it is is a root, but pretty soon, it grows leaves and all the other part of it. Then, it pops up above the dirt. Is the plant alive while it's growing under the dirt, or does it suddenly become "alive"' as soon as it pops up?
It's not about religion, it's about Faith. We can love a lot of people and want to spend the rest of our lives with them. I hope that my family and best friends will always remain in my life. But my one companion, the one who will not only be my best friend but my passion and supporter/ee will be the opposite sex because that is what is right and natural. Proof that homosexuality is wrong lies right in with how a new life is made. Two sperm cells or two egg cells can not make a person, and there is a reason for that.
I'm not saying that's the purpose of marriage, to have children, I'm just saying it's proof to the right kind of couples. When building a puzzle, you don't put two pieces together if they don't fit. And you don't try to turn the picture around and force them to fit either.
Do you think that gay people will be happier once they are told they can't marry the person they love (or according to your beliefs, "think" they love)? If they feel like they are ready to spend the rest of their lives with some one, who are we to say that they cannot? That, even though they are adults, they cannot make choices by themselves?
Oh well, who cares. They don't deserve the rights that everyone else gets.
I think gay people will be happier if they find Jesus, be straight, and marry a person of the opposite sex that they are in love with and want to spend the rest of their life with.
Being gay isn't always a choice. Maybe in some cases, but in others...
Do you think they would choose to be gay, knowing they'd be shunned by most of the country? That they would not be allowed to enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual neighbors? Seeing how gay marriage isn't allowed in most parts of the country right now, I think people would have stopped being gay if they could a long time ago.
If Christians believe in God, then they'll also believe what he says in the Bible.
1 Corinthians 6:9 - "Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
Marriage is about love, about commitment. It should not matter whether your significant other is a man or a woman, as long as there is love. You should not let other people, even if that person is God, dictate who you are to marry. Personally, I do not beleive in God, but whatever that's your choice. But what is not your choice is who people are to marry. Who cares, it's not like any of these people affect you are anything. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual. In fact, it means that you really accept yourself. People who are invloved with same-sex marriages must be so confident, so accepting, that they let their love out in the open. You should respect them for that, not shun them.
As for abortion, it is NOT homicide. If the fetus is "killed" within the first six weeks, it is not really considered "alive". If the woman was raped, if she is so poverty-stricken that she cannot possibly afford a child, or if the pregnancy will kill her, she should be allowed the option of abortion. I would much rather have an abortion than have my child grow up knowing that it's practically his fault that his mommy is gone. Again, you should not let homophobic conservative fucks like you and George Bush dictate what you do with yourself and your life.
Let's see - I love my brother, why shouldn't I marry him? My mom? I know a bunch of great guy friends, why not just marry all 5 of them? it's love, and no one should dictate who I'm to marry, right?
Abortionis murder. As soon as the egg is fertilized, it begins life, and begins to grow.
No, George Bush isn't telling me what to do. I know that abortion and gay marriage is wrong.
The fetus does not have a regular, strong heartbeat until the fourth week of pregnancy, and I beleive that something is not alive until it has a heartbeat. And I absolutley do not believe in abortion just because, I don't believe in it unless it is incest or rape etc.
Do you believe that abortion and gay marriage is wrong just because the Bible said so?
The fetus is a living human being...
1) we are all made of cells right? cells are living correct? the fetus is made out of cells! y might u ask? the egg CELL and the sperm CELL join and create new CELLS! which means that the fetus is living. Just because the fetus doesnt have a heart beat for a while does NOT mean its dead
Okay, let me try explaining it this way. When you plant a seed in dirt and water it, the seed begins to grow. For awhile, all it is is a root, but pretty soon, it grows leaves and all the other part of it. Then, it pops up above the dirt. Is the plant alive while it's growing under the dirt, or does it suddenly become "alive"' as soon as it pops up?
And yes, my life partner will probably be of the opposite sex as well. Doesn't mean I'm going to make a law based on who I personally prefer to marry.
Oh well, who cares. They don't deserve the rights that everyone else gets.
Do you think they would choose to be gay, knowing they'd be shunned by most of the country? That they would not be allowed to enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual neighbors? Seeing how gay marriage isn't allowed in most parts of the country right now, I think people would have stopped being gay if they could a long time ago.
And, people aren't born gay. Lustful thoughts and ideas are planted in the mind through the tv, friends, books, newspapers, that kind of things.
It's just a part of who they are. There have even been animals that have had homosexual tendancies, and they don't even have a media. :p
1 Corinthians 6:9 - "Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
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