Aug 06, 2009 18:03
So I've discovered it's good for your self-esteem to take walks every day, especially when said walk takes you down the suburb's boulevard. I've been beeped at at least twice and cat-called once in the past couple of weeks.
Today, four cars beeped. One was at the car in front, which was going slowly, two went past before I could see what they were beeping at, but the fourth gave me a huge grin and a thumb's up. He was kinda cute, too, in a bikie sort of way. Though, I looked down before I registered that he was actually beeping at me, so here's hoping he caught my grin and didn't think I was some kind of bitchy ice queen. XD
Everybody should walk. *nodnod*
happy pur ish happy,
real life stuff,
amused pur is amused,