I'm Back

Sep 01, 2013 19:23

Hello all… (well if there is anyone left around here;)

Yeah it's me… I know long time no see.

Where to start? Well let me tell y'all what's been going on with me.

In the spring I decided that I wanted to get on the spring cleaning, in doing all the cleaning I hurt my back further than it already was, of course I kept going until I finally gave up and went to the doctor who put me in PT for about 6 weeks that really didn't do more than make me feel worse.

When I hurt I tend to become anti social hence I didn't want to talk to anyone or do much of anything.
A few weeks ago the doctor, (my doctor, not the one that I saw who put me in PT) changed my pain medicine to something longer lasting and stronger.

WOW!!!!! What a difference that made. I was finally able to get the house back together, and keep up with the daily cleaning. I'm able to exercise now, hopefully I can lose weight (so far I've lost about 17 pounds only another 70 to go)
I have not felt this good in several years and really didn’t realize it until I started the stronger pain meds.

Yes, I really don’t like taking them. When I first started on them they gave me a horrible migraine for 2 weeks and they do make me a little loopy at times, but I am able to get things done that I haven’t in longer than I care to think about.
I'm back to crafting again, hopefully I can get pictures posted sometime this week. I'm designing or modifying patterns again that's something I haven’t done for a very long time.

I have ideas bouncing around my brain for videos.

Looking back it really sucked to be in that much pain, I didn't realize how many things I had stopped doing because I didn't want to bother people with my problems.

If anyone is still around hopefully I'll be on a little more…  or what will be keeping me away is doing something and not just because I don’t want to talk to anyone.
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