(no subject)

Nov 10, 2012 22:13

Well, it's been a while. First my computer went all wonky, so I had to move all my files which wouldn’t have been so bad if my back up drive wasn’t safely put up in the safe that the electronic lock wont work on and we have lost the master key too. So something that should have taken a little time ended up taking days but I was able to save all my files so that was good.

Then the other morning I jammed my little toe when I got up, of course I swear the vacuum jumped out in front of me. Anyway I didn’t give it much thought until the next day when it hurt like crazy, I had an appointment with the doctor anyway for something else and figured since I was there I'd have it looked at. I've had broken toes before, this didn’t look anywhere near as bad as those but he took an x-ray anyway said he didn’t see anything. I said "great" and came home. Well the nurse called that evening, like a half hour before the doctor office closed. She said the doctor that they send them to for reading said I had a small fracture close to my foot. Oh goody, now I get to wear this height of fashion for the next month.

Doesn’t help that it's getting cold here, I was coming home today mentally trying to go though my sock drawer for warmer socks than what I usually wear.

Guess this will give me the time to get some videos made, which might be a good thing since I have a list that I want to finish soon.

Other than that it's been quiet in my little corner of the world.


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