Jan 07, 2010 17:02
i guess days like today i'm glad i'm not employed. i love snow, but i don't really miss the treacherous commuting. :)
last night was the second time i had a dream (nightmare?) about being back at the former place of employ. both times i've dreamed this, i've been back there as a temp. as in, they laid me off and now several months later, i'm back as a temp. and people keep saying how good it is to see me, or they're asking me what i've been up to, or they want to tell me what's been going on with them over the past 5 months. it's like they're welcoming me back from vacation or something, and not like the company laid me off and sent me home the same day i was promoted.
i do not like these dreams.
not at all.
emailed the people from the mid-december interview i had, but they said they wouldn't know for several more weeks. (!) hey, at least it wasn't a flat-out no. (especially because that was the same day i found out the other interview was cancelled and my phone died. i told lauren that if these other people said "thanks but no thanks" on that same day, i was going to go play in traffic.)
and yes, i had to get a new phone. apparently the connection between the screen and the keypad on my beloved vibrant purple Razr got fried when the hinge started to slip, and there was nothing they could do. i lost over half my numbers, since we couldn't get the phone to turn on long enough for me to re-save them to the SIM card. and i lost all my sweet text messages. (hey, i'm an emotional girl. leave it alone.)
i got an iPhone.
and i think it's love. :)
i really like not having to stress anymore about being around to get important emails (especially with the muni band stuff starting back up again, as well as all the job hunting stuff). plus it was the easiest voicemail and bluetooth set up ever. and obviously, there's simply the novelty of having a new toy to play with. :)
work on the novel is progressing. slowly, but it's progressing. i talked to ann yesterday, who not only loves it so far, but has agreed to be my "taskmaster" yet again. :) i'll try to email her at least 5 single-spaced pages every week, and she'll give me feedback. it'll be a little different doing this entirely over email with the occasional phone call, rather than thrice a week face-to-face over coffee. but i am encouraged that she's excited and on board to be my amazing springboard once again. love her. :) and if i'm gainfully employed such that i can attend home concert at augie in march, then we'll have lunch (or coffee ;) ) together and dissect the novel then too. plus it'd just be really good to see her in general. it's been far too long.
in other news, the snow completely messed up my plans for the day. well, not so much the snow as my mother's fear of me driving in it. *sigh* especially since i was going all the way to deerfield. don't get me wrong, i could have just gone anyway. but there's something to be said for maintaining some level of peace in this household. especially because i'd bet she's significantly on edge this week due to yesterday being the 1 year anniversary of my aunt's death.
so my plans got busticated, and my cute outfit was wasted. but i've plinked some more out on the novel, and maybe tonight i'll watch the netflix movie that's been sitting on my pile for the last 2 weeks. should really get around to that, since i'm paying for it and all.
i suppose that now the holidays are over, life will be less interesting.
but who knows.
i'm really hoping to have a job by the end of the month, if not by february. (i'd say i'm determined, but after i do my part of applying and interviewing, it's not exactly up to me, is it?)
maybe then i'd stop having those damn dreams about my old office.