Jul 31, 2008 19:37
9:37 pm: So today is my 22nd birthday! & we spent the day in Nebraska, because let's just face it driving all day on the day of your birth would just suck so hardcore, my dad made me cinnamon apples (my favorite breakfast treat) and we rented these pedal carts, it was a workout riding those things up hill lol, rested most of the day because it is just so humid here, my dad made grilled cheese sandwiches and we attempted to go take pics of that old barn/farmhouse thing I saw, but there was no way to get to it by road and we didn't think wading through the random shrubbery would be a very wise idea. So my plans with foiled by stupid plants. lol anyways, we ordered pizza and are probably going to be watching movies soon, leaving tomorrow and heading towards West Liberty, Iowa, which is about 300 miles away from here, now if only I get a call from my bf before bed my day/night will be complete. Overall it was a good day. Nighty night lj friends =]