...to my lovely 4th period Drama class...

Mar 07, 2006 21:23

"No Fighting With Rulers"

It’s time I faced these catatonic impulses,
overcame this bizarre desire to do absolutely nothing
but fall asleep to pink TV noise
occasionally irritatingly flickering in blue silent stings.

I am the erupting disruptive interrupter,
no longer will I awkwardly follow behind
those I love, but chase a higher honesty
of my own needs but not mine yet greater still.

No further war paint, sirs, tonight I travel
unadorned in the rear room of music,
slaying the organs of pipe-played piano,
zapping a tambourine-driven V, IV, iii progression.

Still the bass line doesn’t move enough,
I am lacking Wyatt’s comic relief,
I need to laugh again, to smile upon
a picture taken with a snare drum over my face.

I look somewhat frumpy in that shirt,
sweater off, black bowtie blues of
what happens in the band stays in the band
anyway, since for the moment all’s well.

A jukebox sprouted legs to jitterbug
across the floor at jaunty angles
like a modern Steadman sketchpad.
Why did H.S.T. resemble the Dalai Lama so very closely?
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