Roaming the Land While You Sleep 1/10

Oct 24, 2010 12:25

Okay, LiveJournal is still all new and scary. I'll figure it out I'm sure...somehow...

Title: Roaming the Land While You Sleep 1/?
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: T
Word Count: ~1200
Characters: Sam and Dean (Gen)
Summary: For thirteen-year old Sam, puberty hits hard. When he storms out and accidentally screws up the salt lines, Dean is left to pay the ( Read more... )

dean, multichapter, supernatural, preseries, sam, john, teen!chesters

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Comments 10

heather03nmg October 24 2010, 11:35:30 UTC
Very intriguing start. And the summary grabbed my attention. But hurt without comfort is so sad.
More please.


purple_carpets October 24 2010, 11:47:40 UTC
yeah, I know it's so sad...but writing the Winchesters all schmoopy and cuddly is something I'm physically incapabe of doing I'm afraid.
More will be up shortly.


taylorariel October 24 2010, 12:45:55 UTC
Very good job. I look forward to your next chapter. Please make it soon. Thank You


purple_carpets October 24 2010, 14:04:12 UTC
I'll post the next chapter as soon as I'm back on my own I'm hoping tomorrow ^^


darth_firefly October 24 2010, 13:27:01 UTC
This is looking excellent - can't wait to read more!


borgmama1of5 October 24 2010, 13:48:35 UTC
This is a good, albeit painful, start.

Looking for more soon!


zara_zee October 25 2010, 05:27:52 UTC
Well hello! You're on LJ now too! I'm also new to this fun new world, so....I figured I'd add you as a friend, if that's okay?
Zara (from!) :)


purple_carpets October 25 2010, 16:14:30 UTC
haha, yeah, figured I've been lurking around here long enough to actually start an account...still very, very confusing xD


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