Clearly I Have Lost My Mind

Apr 12, 2011 20:18

I don't think I have had more than 2 hours of sleep at a time in over three days now. I'm going crazy. My head is pounding and my eyes hurt and the mere thought of food makes my stomach turn.

This happens a couple of times a year and every single time I think I must be losing my mind. Some random little thing upsets me, I start obsessing over it and before I know it I have stopped sleeping. I also forget what upset me in the first place but that doesn't really stop me from waking up after not nearly enough hours of sleep.

Now, you'd think I could use the extra time I have on my hands to do something halfway productive, right? Wrong. My sleep deprived brain has the attention span of a hyperactive squirrel on pepper spray so I'm basically carrying my laptop around the house, wandering from one tv to the next (because obviously the program on the second floor will be superior to the program in the bedroom) and even if I manage to open Microsoft Word I still end up switching between several fics and school work and random files I haven't opened in years (did you know I once did a report on solar enegry in the 9th grade? Funny, neither did I...)
Since Sunday I have started five (!) new angst_bingo fics, the quality of which I will judge once I regain some of my higher brain functions. I finished three versions of my fill for 'Supernatural Poisoning and Weaknesses' and managed to furiously delete 2.5 of them. I'm trying to work out the last half of the third version right now, but I guess I'm not, seeing as I'm typing this instead. 
Btw, what sort of weird prompt is 'Supernatural Poisoning and Weaknesses'? Am I supposed to poison a character with something suppernatural that manifests it's supernatural powers by revealing the characters weaknesses? By making him physically weak? Am I supposed to have a character develope a weakness for a certain supernatural poison? Can I cheat and decide supernatural stands for the show I'm writing for and just have a character weakened by poison? But then what would I do with that other prompt that is just 'Poison'? I don't get it. Right now it's a witch, poisoning Dean and he can't move so that means he is physically weak. *shrugs*

Maybe if I figure out how to do the second half of that last version I'll post it tonight and then be incredibly horrified in a couple of days when I re-read it with a clear head.

Okay, random rant over. You may go back to your various forms of procrastrination.

Edit: I have just started obsessing over how monumentally stupid the name Daneel Ackles sounds...somebody shoot me, please!

stuff that ain't supernatural, angst_bingo, rambly random postings

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