Vid Awesomeness!

Sep 20, 2012 20:28

This is where I out myself as a fan of German ska-punk bands and their BDSM songs.

So, a couple of months ago I left my prompts on spn_rambleon. I was short one, let's say reasonable request, so I prompted a vid to Farin Urlaub's Noch Einmal AND IT GOT FILLED!

And now I have a gazillion other FURT/ärzte song fic/vid ideas. OMG why?

click for the awesomest video of all time

You don't even need to understand the lyrics. It's really only about Dean being unnaturally pretty while various evil things kick the shit out of him.

dean, supernatural, reccy rec post, hurting dean is like crack to me, pimping, fandom what have you done to me?

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