BigBang beta pretty please

Aug 26, 2012 14:24

So, my mini-bang just turned into a big-bang and is in need of a beta or two. It'll be done by tomorrow (day after tomorrow, depending on how well I'll manage to ignore this hangover) but you'll have forever to beat it into shape. ForEVER.

Okay. Things you may want to know:

*It's 15k right now, the finished thing will probably come in at around 17k
*Dean centric (like I even need to mention that...)
*Some John, Cassie, Sam, Bobby, Cas
*There isn't really much of a plot. It's all very instrospecticve, even Dean's issues have issues kind of thing
*uhm...mental illness, if that's something that scares you off/draws you in
ETA: and a suicide attempt

And now I'm going to stop talking because BigBangs are supposed to be super secret and stuff :P

ALSO! New banner to go with my new journal title and I loooove it. Shiney, bloody Dean *_*

gen bigbang'12, cry for haalp

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