Paid my Fares

Feb 16, 2011 18:49

Title: Paid my Fares
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2300
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them way before I ever got to them.
Summary: 1992: Both boys come down with strep throat at the same time. Sammy gets the last antibiotics, Dean comes down with scarlet fever.

Written for the  Dean-focused hurt/comfort comment-fic meme (#4)

“Dean,” he asks, shaking the half empty bottle in the boy’s direction. “Think you can fight this bug on your own?” John is met with a long glower, before Dean huffs and throws himself back down onto the ratty cushion he dragged from the bed to the couch. “Sure. ‘m not sick, anyway.” )

oneshot, wee!chesters, commentfic, preseries, john, hurt/comfort, dean, supernatural, hurting dean is like crack to me, sam

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Comments 44

amberdreams February 16 2011, 18:32:01 UTC
Poor old John, he never did get the hang of Dean and how deep rooted his low self esteem really was, did he? A nice sad little one shot!
PS did you mean chuckholes in the road? In the UK we have potholes (not sure what the Americans call them)


purple_carpets February 16 2011, 20:26:37 UTC
thanks for reading =)

uhm...yeah, in the road. I've heard the term potholes before, too. I'm from Germany, so my vocabulary is this jumbled mess I've picked up from tv and books and basically everything that isn't English classes at school ^^


amberdreams February 16 2011, 20:36:38 UTC
Got to say your English is fantastically good - I'd never heard them called chuckholes and admit I was thinking about chucking up when I was reading it! Looks like its an American term. :D


purple_carpets February 16 2011, 21:36:38 UTC
Aw, thanks =)
Great, now I'm thinking about were I got that term from...I wanna say True Blood, or Breaking Bad or...idk, something set in the South?


saberivojo February 16 2011, 19:35:47 UTC
Eep. Poor brave silly boy. I love that when John hears Daddy it almost breaks his heart.

Thanks for the lovely fic.


purple_carpets February 16 2011, 20:29:16 UTC
Well, seriously, imagine Dean after the age of say...five say the word 'Daddy'. I'd be convinced he's about two seconds away from dying. ^^


anonymous February 16 2011, 19:42:03 UTC
Wow, this is a great one. Is there a continuation in mind? It'll be awesome to see how the rest plays out!


purple_carpets February 16 2011, 20:30:07 UTC
maaaaybe..? ^^


borgmama1of5 February 16 2011, 20:06:59 UTC
This was excruitiatingly painful to read because it feels like something that would have happened. You have written John as the infuriating contradiction he is, truly loving his boys--and clueless about what they need!


purple_carpets February 16 2011, 20:31:29 UTC
That's exactly how I see him. He's really trying his best he just has no idea whatsoever how to deal with anything vaguely related to parenting.


deadbeat_nymph February 16 2011, 21:04:09 UTC
I love how you've written John as both loving and devoted and yet completely inept as a father. He loves his babies, but it's not enough to keep him from being clueless - seems very realistic. :)


purple_carpets February 16 2011, 21:40:49 UTC
Poor John. He doesn't get enough love from the fandom. Sure he wasn't a very good father, but I'm pretty sure he was really trying.
Thanks for reading. =)


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