I'm not dead, in case anyone was wondering. Just been busy with school and that stupid flu I picked up from my cousins which will now stick in some shape or form until at least April. Gah, I hate winter. Someday I'll be rich and famous and able to buy myself an island in the Caribbean. You guys are very much invited.
Anyway, being sick and babysitting a couple of sick kids gave me time to play with Photoshop some more. I'm not sure if these are better or worse than my last patch, but what the hell, I'll just throw them out there (also? Can you tell how much my confidence in my icon making skills has not improved?). I'll use them as a fill for 'Group Support' on my hc_bingo card and hell yes, I can talk fast enough to convince people that that fill makes sense.
And since I somehow got stuck with the musical tastes of men twice my age, these still focus entirely on Meat Loaf....
oh, and I still have a lot of fic I need to post, plus three deadlines and a couple of birthdays coming up. I'll start posting again as soon as half of LJ isn't off playing in nano land anymore.