Playing Dress Up...

Oct 22, 2011 18:47

Hey, look at my journal.

Since my journal's first birthday is approaching, I figured it was about time I changed the colors into something I actually like. I spent an embarrassing amount of time figuring out how to change the coloring scheme, but I DID IT!

Also, I made myself a new header. Again, one that I actually like and didn't just choose because it went well with the colors of the journal. Ah, look at Dean, all pretty and bloody and hurting.

I made a couple of drinking!Dean headers in different colors before I settled on this one, so if anyone's interested I can tweak them a little just for you. And don't worry, I'm a million times better than last week. I won't get upset if no-one wants them. Just though I'd throw them out there.

That's all for now. I'll post some of the stuff I wrote when I was in China tomorrow.

*hugs flist*

picspam, purple carpets dabbles in art, hurting dean is like crack to me, rambly random postings

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