May 3rd 2002 - Sammy didn't pick up

Jul 31, 2011 15:12

 Nope. I'm not bored and I'm not procrastinating or anything...not even one bit!
This is an extra fill for 'Waking up in Bed Alone', 'Unable to Move', 'Birthdays' and the 'Wild Card' on my angst_bingo card.

Click for hurt!lonely!hungover!smoking!Dean )

purple carpets dabbles in art, dean, supernatural, hurting dean is like crack to me, preseries, angst, angst_bingo

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Comments 25

a_phoenixdragon July 31 2011, 14:16:18 UTC
Lovely, darling...

*Purrs and licks pic*


purple_carpets July 31 2011, 15:08:45 UTC
Thanks, sweety. Now don't you slobber all over your screen.


jesseofthenorth July 31 2011, 14:19:01 UTC
Very nice!
Love the use of the phone! very subtle. Lookit you all multi-talented and shit :D


purple_carpets July 31 2011, 15:13:47 UTC
Hee, thank you!

lol yeah and for some reason I'm a lot less insecure about the art part :P


borgmama1of5 July 31 2011, 14:25:32 UTC
I didn't know you were an artist too!


purple_carpets July 31 2011, 15:14:42 UTC
Well, you know...intermittently...when I want to do a little bingo extra and can't be bothered to turn off the tv and write ;)


saberivojo July 31 2011, 14:31:57 UTC
Damn, I hate all you multi faceted artisty peoples. :) Really beautiful work. Except that Dean is obviously smoking in bed and the momma bear in me wants to yell at him for that one.


purple_carpets July 31 2011, 15:15:54 UTC
No, poor Dean-o! He's all hungover and hurty Don't you yell at him right now.


geckoholic July 31 2011, 14:43:12 UTC
Wow, that's great!!


purple_carpets July 31 2011, 15:16:19 UTC
Thanks so much :P


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