
Mar 31, 2007 20:56

Heehee, my Who-fix has been administered.

Favourite bits:

Doctor: We might die.
Martha: We might not.

Martha: It's bigger on the inside
Doctor: *mouths words with her* - Is it??

Clever Doctor and his 'pretend to be human' ploy.

Clever Martha - just in general. She's gonna make a brilliant companion. Ooh, but she's such a little liar! She fancies the pants off him, it's obvious.


Rusty seems to like this whole 'breath of life' idea.

Hospital shop!

Nice use of causal loop. In the first episode too! Anyone coming new to the series today will have been thoroughly confused, unless they already had a handle on time travel theory. And parents will have to explain the tie thing to their four-year-olds - they can't follow stuff that happened 45 minutes beforehand.

Radiation in his shoe... *giggle* "Barefoot on the moon!"

"A Judoon platoon upon the moon" - he likes his rhyming, does the Doctor.

Yay for evidence (if not mention) of the respiratory bypass system!

Death by straw! I'm reminded of the Psirens from Red Dwarf. Also cos of mentions of salt, the salt vampire from TOS.

Emmeline Pankhurst stole his laser spanner! :oD Also mention of Benjamin Franklin and rope-burn from the kite and electrocution, which was very amusing.

I read the times2 supplement from Friday's Times today at work, because there was a very non-spoilery article and interview. David Tennant said something about Rusty liking to drop things in and then not come back to them "because it's funny" (eg "I was a dad once") - he said there's another one and "the forums will go into meltdown". I can see which one he meant - I'm certain there was mention of a brother near the beginning of the episode! Not sure how I feel about this, given that there are no brothers in the Houses on Gallifrey, only cousins. Then again that's book-canon, which I don't really count... I'm stopping, cos I'll only get confused.

Finally, there is mention of a 'Mr Saxon'. Now, it's not an anagram, but I have my suspicions...

doctor who

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