Friends Only and Fic [Topped Post]

Dec 21, 2020 18:44

This journal is, for the most part, Friends Only. Comment and have a chat with me if you'd like to be friends :o)

If I am using one of your icons, or if you recognise any of the icons I am using, and I have not credited, please let me know who made it so I can amend it. Also, if I am using an icon that was not intended for sharing, please let me know and I will remove it.

My fic can be found at the following places:

Doctor Who

Afunctionalism on dwfiction (here). Ficlet, Ten and Rose, references City of Death.

Tick Tock on girl_doctor (here). Girl!Doctor (see community) and lots of references to Shada (Eighth Doctor version).

Trip the Light Fantastic on dwfiction (here). Ten and Rose, dancing and poetry.

Torvic on dwfiction (here). Pre-series Gallifrey.

I Believe on dwfiction (here). Multi-era drabbles set to music (well, sorta).

Visitors on dwfiction (here). Firefly crossover drabble, prologue to eventual longer fic (hopefully).

Refuge on my journal - for the Old Clichés Made New challenge at lifeonmartha. Ten and Martha, friendship!fic.

Memories and Mesmers on my journal - for the 2007 dw_femslash ficathon. Liz/Romana II, space pirates.

Dating in the Workplace on my journal. Random crack bunny, many pairings. Bring brain-bleach.

Predestination Parenting on my journal. Ten and Donna, baby!fic with a difference, guest-starring the Chestertons.

A Time for Change on my journal - for the bigfinishlove ficathon. Erimem and Braxiatel at the Braxiatel Collection.

Christmas in George Square on my journal - for the Rare Ships Month on who_otp. Peri/Erimem.

Ὕστερον πρότερον on my journal - for the 2008 dw_femslash ficathon. Mel/Ace, with a side order of Glitz. In English, I just got creative/lazy (read whichever way you like) with the title.

The Doctor and Clyde Go Adventuring (or, Don't Drink the Water) on my journal. Ten and Clyde, plus aliens.

Searching on my journal. Evelyn/Wilf.

How Very 1920s on my journal. Eight and Charley go dancing in the fake!1920s. Two, Jamie and Zoe are there too.

Somewhere Else on my journal. Epilogue to How Very 1920s - Charley/Zoe/Eight and post-coital tea.

Making an Ass Out of You and Me on my journal - for the lgbtfest. Ten picks up a lesbian companion, and tropes are subverted.

Happens To Me All the Time on my journal - for the 2009 dw_femslash ficathon. Bernice Summerfield/Lady Christina de Souza, saving each other's lives.

They Laugh With All Their Might on my journal - a remixthedrabble for kerravonsen. The Fifth Doctor fixes Donna.

Suffering in Silence on my journal - a remixthedrabble for amaresu. Glitz has another wakeful night.

Time Lords in Floppy Hats on my journal - for the who_like_giants Minor and Original Characters Ficathon. Two Time Lords sent to look for the Doctor find Earth confusing and hazardous.

Also my prompt table for the doctorwho_100 challenge and all drabbles I've posted so far can be found here.

The Tomorrow People

...And I'm Feeling Good on my journal - for the lgbtfest. Big Finish fic.

Keeping Secrets on my journal - for the lgbtfest. John/Chris.


Her Mind's Eye on my journal - a remixthedrabble for crevanfox.

As I am now an icon-maker, my icons so far are here, and this is my resource post.

Here endeth the self-promotion.

100 things, icons, friends only, fic

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