End of Time part II

Jan 01, 2010 21:06

I want to be honest here, ignoring any disparaging opinions it may attract, and say holy fucking crap :o)

A lot of it made little sense, but I think that was overshadowed by Wilf. He made me cry twice. *is still a bit raw*

Happy too that Donna was alright, though I'm a bit frowny-face about how the Doctor knew a defence mechanism against that kind of situation would be necessary. Maybe knocking all the Masters to the ground was just a side effect of her becoming unconscious to protect her mind from the memories, and that's what it was actually defending against.

"WORST RESCUE EVER!" *laughs for ages*

I loved the Master being all "whichever side is best, that's which side I'm on!" :oD Absolutely typical :oD And there were some touching moments between him and the Doctor that made me hurt. And the Time Lords actually becoming thoroughly corrupt over the course of the War, I liked that concept. Sort of. I am disappointed that we won't have a new series with Time Lords lurking in the background rather than being all PTSD-fodder. I absolutely love that a lot of the Doctor's angst wasn't over the fact that he killed everybody/locked them all in a time bubble thingy, but that he had to stop his own people because they'd got so bad. That... whoa. This might just be immediate reaction talking, but I thought that was good.

Oh, and RASSILON?! *facepalm* Why didn't I see that coming?? I spent the whole episode going, "The Rod of Rassilon! The Diamond of Rassilon! The Funny-Shaped Table of Rassilon!" I guess I overlooked the obvious on the fact of Rassilon being dead. There's some complicated background stuff we weren't told about how Rassilon is not dead anymore, I presume. But yeah. Rassilon as President, pretty much guaranteed to end in horrible corruption. Just going with the trend pointed out in 'Zagreus' of role models turning out to be corrupt, not even by the plot of it where he is also evil.

I'm irritated that we still don't know who the woman is. Possibly Romana? I don't get the face-covering thing though. (That was the same woman who kept appearing to Wilf, right?) The White Guardian isn't a Time Lord, so I don't think that's who she was.
But the instant she uncovered her face and the music played, the same music they played a lot in the first series, around the TARDIS and such, I had a thought. I remember clearly that on the commentary for the first series, someone said that members of the crew often referred to that haunting music as "President Flavia singing from the beyond". So basically, the woman uncovered her face, the music played, and I shouted "FLAVIA!" My brother was not impressed by the interruption, especially when I waved him off with "classic stuff", which he does not give two figs about. Anyway. I'm not sure how Flavia would fit in, or how important she would be to the Doctor (it's been a while since I saw her in any episodes, I can't remember how much she and the Doctor interacted), but maybe she was crying because of what had happened to them? Or perhaps she's Susan. Thoughts?

If anyone can explain the face-covering to me, I'd be very grateful.

The psychic woman reminded me of the legends of the Pythia, and also the seer on Ribos :oD Though maybe someone from the Sisterhood of Karn?

And again we have a planet right next to Earth, and no tidal/geological catastrophes. *sigh*

I'll get my main niggle out of the way, cos I don't want to end on this. The Doctor ranting and bitching when he has to give his life to save Wilf's... WTF? I get that he's upset - knowing that you're going to die soon but not knowing quite how must be torturous - but still! Fivey gave his life for a girl he'd known for only about a week! (If you ignore audio that is, which I don't, so I don't know why that's one of my points...) Ten has been willing to sacrifice himself in the past, but it seems that when it's prophesied, he's really reluctant to. He basically turned into a whiny selfish bastard for a few moments. I think that would have been better expressed as a pained expression. Tennant's good at those.

Right, now that's out of my system... The pre-regeneration trips, I thought, were pure fanservice, but enjoyable. I kept squeaking :o) *thinks* Martha was engaged before Mickey stayed in our universe, wasn't she? So she and Tom didn't work out too well, I guess. But it's nice when companions get together, I think :o) And I love Martha's hair. And Mickey's beardy thing. He suits it :o) And then there was Donna getting married, properly :o) I adored the whole gift thing - the Doctor actually using knowledge of the future to make good things happen for the people he loves. And Luke, and Sarah :o) And Jack :oD Big grins IRL there. And a little bit of Rose, as she was back then :o) That really made me smile, I've missed S1 Rose. I still don't know what Billie's done to her teeth, but at least she can regress her acting to play the character the way she used to be :o)

I do think Ten was incredibly lucky with that regeneration. I mean, it did look like it hurt, the radiation poisoning, but he got a solid chunk of dying-time to go visit people :o)

See if Ood Sigma had just told him that song =/= story in the first place, we could've avoided a lot of crap. I'm just sayin' :o)

I've been looking forward to Matt Smith as Eleven for a while now. He isn't drastically different, but hopefully different enough :o) And we have a new word, it seems. Geronimo! :o)

regeneration post, doctor who, reaction post

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