Fic: The Things are also People (42/100)

May 07, 2008 20:56

Forty-second drabble for the doctorwho_100 challenge. This one is at #42 because the title is Adams-inspired :o)

Fic Name: The Things are also People
Rating: G
Prompt: Too Much (#034)
Claim: Companions
Companion: Rose Tyler
Timeline: During The End of the World.
Spoilers: Some for The End of the World.

People. Aliens. Blue aliens, creepy robed aliens, bird-people, tree-people, diminutive spitting aliens on hover chairs - so many different aliens! The only claim to humanity in the room besides herself is a piece of skin stretched so thin that she's all but transparent.

The Doctor says they’re people, just like he and she are. But he’s alien too. Sure, he looks human, but he’s not - in some way that she’s yet to identify. Maybe his insides are green.

All these aliens. It’s too much, it’s overwhelming. Panic claws at her and she runs away; lost, scared and too far from home.

Prompt table


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