"I'm out of my element. I can't breathe!"

Nov 07, 2007 23:30

a few things:

1. "he hit me (it felt like a kiss)"  as covered by grizzly bear is THE creepiest song ever. their rendition is so transformative that it renders the 1960s girl group original by the crystals impotent. first you take creepy-as-fuck lyrics which attempt to justify domestic violence as apprpriate behavior when enacted on cheating lovers. but then you take those lyrics and add eerie four part  all-male harmonies and psych-folk freakout rhythms and and oh man, oh man. CREEPY and BRILLIANT. the reason i mention all of this is a. i went to see their free show tonight  and it blew my brain away. and b. i just published this review in The L Magazine (an NYC alt-weekly) of their latest EP (which is really more like a mini-LP)
watch it here:

image Click to view

2. weird shit is rolling around in my stomach i had tiramasu and capachino (during grizzly bear's soundcheck at the cafe in the virgin mega store actually, haha) and then an hour later i had pumpkin beer and mozarella sticks with amy at this bar which is probably the only pro-red sox bar in all NY (there was a poster that said "jesus hates the yankees, i'll post a photo later).  random foodstuffs is a bad way to cope with feeling crappy, as i didn't get yet another job. blarg

3. so as i was walking around looking for random foodstuffs, i thought a very specific thought. i thought, "when the hell are the mountain goats  not gonna  be in the midwest,  and back touring in ny, because i feel, in the words of my father "lower than a curbstone, and that's pretty damn low and tmg are maybe the only thing that can slightly upswing my mood, even though they probably won't be back for a good year or so, cause they were just here" i swear i nearly grumbled this outloud in what would be a pretty damn self-absorbed sigh. anyways the second i get home i reading through the usual blog roll and lo and behold what do i see tMG in NY 11/29! YES. the only thing is, is that its at NYU and might be an all-students only thing? i'm not sure. but dammit tickets go on sale tomorrow and i will try like hell to go. you should too.
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