Qu'une nuit horrible ! (what a horrible night)

Mar 29, 2007 12:17

So yesterday.. i was dragged into some party with my weird friends...
It was super empty with no people at all... and thanks to those weird friends my parents got angry at me.

1. They wanted to go to that other party in TeckTite
2. One of those friends got SUPER drunk
3. They kept on complaining and complaining to me that they wanted to leave the party.

HA HA... lets see... should we call them friends or just acquaintances? because they were so annoying the whole night... I'm the one who gave the ride and i even invited them for dinner! so why don't they just  "SHUT UP" and appreciate that i even went with them to that totally BORING party and even brought them there.

And as for my punishment... i have to pay for the overtime of my driver.. GREAT... now that i have no allowance at all.. they want me to pay for his overtime... 
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