The Adventures of Speeves & Spooster!

Jan 12, 2006 05:44

Took me a while, I'm still not happy with how they turned out, but pixels are too hard for me to handle, lol!

I had originally made them South Park characters, named then Speeves & Spooster (the "sp" being the South Park bit, plus they were made with a SP generator) and then I decided to make them original creations (well, aside from them being J&W). Not wanting to give up the cute names, I used "s" for small and "p" for pixelated, so I got to keep the "sp" bit.

-No, they don't change expressions or positions (except moving closer at times or "walking" into view).
-They always have on the same clothes.
-I kept putting "Jeeves" instead of "Speeves" and had to fix it several times.
-They're mine. Don't steal. Although, why would you want to?

So here's my first one. Corny, yes. More to come? Prolly not, lol!

speeves & spooster #001

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