(no subject)

Mar 06, 2009 13:24

Am posting a comment I made to one of my LJ friends here because I've been holding this in for WEEKS. I've been feeling very sorry for the poor LOST fans who thought they might actually find out what's going on in season 5, and I feel even more sorry for people who don't like LOST at all, because dammit, it is awesome!

Hee. People who demand to know what the hell's going on will not ever like LOST. Because, damn it, we're up to season 5 and we still don't know. But I LOVE it, because I just relax and go with it.

And, on a professional note, I really admire the producers and script writers. I am not naive enough to believe they had this whole crazy plot worked out from the beginning. They just started writing- and now they're adding stuff in actually that matches. It's very admirable indeed!

Plus, I love all the visual clues and repeated images...it holds it together when things get insane...

Oh, I could go on like this all day. I love them going back and forth in time. I love them constantly adding new characters before we get a handle on the previous new characters. They're not afraid to let people die. And death doesn't mean that character goes away! Ahh man I love LOST!

It is a very difficult thing to achive. Not many shows can get through a person's 'as if' barrier and be entertaining enough to keep people watching without screaming WHAT THE HELL ARE THE NUMBERS?? *cough* Now, if you can convince yourself that you don't really care what the numbers mean and still enjoy the show, you're in. YES.
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