Apr 04, 2007 01:28
Warning total 100% wow post.
So there we were... me and lisa are playing 2v2 arenas. Kicking ass of course. Lisa normally tells me what classis we're up against purely cos she can stealth and go near them. So we're happily playing and ovre vent lisa goes "It's vig and dean". the moment was finially here! the moment where we get to play people we know aginst in pvp... but not just any plays... dean and fucking vig! vig the person whos been pissing me off for months... i get to kill him in the face!
And that we did... pwned big style!!! to a point were after they said "well if you didnt have fear it would have been easy". But really they should know how i play well enough to kick my healing ass to the crub and then get lisa! ha!
But dont know why, but me and lisa just totally thought it was the best and craziest aeran ever! mawhahahahahaha. Of all the aernas i've ever played that was by far the most satisfing battle yet =D (lucky we won cos this may have been a totally different post had we not) =P
Love my new guild. love playing with lisa and guys again. love pvp killing greatness.