It's so nice to be back in Manchester... i hate traveling there totally (which is saying alot cos it takes me 2 hours to get home in manchester sometimes).
So the second day at the BBC was visiting the Vietnamese World services. I had not talked to other veitnamese people before (well to ones that spoke english that i could talk to). It was very surreal, but undiscriabley amazing! If only i had tried to find Vietnamese people before. Well i came away from the whole thing a bit life changing and actuall been asked to do a little bit of work, nothing exciting, a blog, but its all good and get a little cash.
I did this for them too: But no there's no English translation, it's only in Vietnamese. it seems bad at first, but their website gets 10million hits a day from Vietnamese communities all around the word, so i can live with it =P I also did an interview for their website, but i'm not sure they have put it up yet. They give me a truck load of contact details for Vietnamese people who might be willing ti help me and my art.
I hate to say it, Noise Festival have actually given me something amazing... who would have thought it. I didnt on monday.
Anyway hope everyone's well.