Title: Reunion
Author: purple_alicorn
Rating: FR7
Warnings: Slight spoilers for end of the movie
Word Count: 200 words
Author's Notes: Japansese names/titles used. Set shortly after the end of the movie. I always wanted to see their relationship after the end of the movie.
Ashitaka quietly exited through the gates of Tataraba, riding Yakkuru and carrying a bag full of supplies, and entered the regrowing forest. Around him the Kodoma chattered, altering the denizens of the forest to his presence.
He made for the pool of the Shishigami, taking time to appreciate the beauty of the forest. He entered the empty, sun-lit glade and tethered Yakkuru, before unpacking the bag. He looked up as he heard the howling, and saw San riding one of the wolf brothers. He smiled as she approached, her feral beauty had not diminished one bit, even in comparison to the practised beauties of the town. San slid down and they embraced.
“San, I’ve come to see you.”
“… you kept your promise.”
“Yes. See, I’ve brought food, come and eat. I can stay for a few days. I’m not needed in the town for the moment.”
“Let’s not talk about the humans, but if you can stay a while…” Swiftly she turned to talk to her brother, who, on hearing her words, loped away. “There, I told him to return in three days.”
Taking San by the hand Ashitaka led her over to his campsite. “Then come, let us enjoy the food while you tell me about the goings on in the forest.”