Jan 12, 2007 15:36
"The A-Z of Me"
Are you available?: unsure
What is your age?: 19
What annoys you?: these quizzes and the hot hot library.
t h e l e t t e r B
Do you know anyone named Billy?: nope
When is your birthday?: 10th June
Who is your best friend?: got many but the uni lot: kay, rhys, mark, annnabel. and the home lot: dan, gemma, cheryl, meg, dom.
t h e l e t t e r C
What's your favourite sweetie?: strawberry laces.
Who's your crush: NUBBIN
When was the last time you cried?: sunday night, pissed as a fart
t h e l e t t e r D
Do you daydream?: all the time, especially when im supposed to be doing essays.
What's your favorite kind of dog?: pugs, the one from men in black.
What day of the week is it?: friday
t h e l e t t e r E
How do you like your eggs?: scambled but then with mayonnaise so it's like a nice paste.
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: ive been to A&E countless times.
What's the easiest thing ever to do?: breath
t h e l e t t e r F
Have you ever flown in a plane? yes. i did the other week. FIRST CLASS.
Do you use fly swatters?: no
Have you ever used a foghorn?: i've used an AIR horn at reading.
t h e l e t t e r G
Do you chew gum?: yes.
Are you a giver or a taker?: depends what is the topic. presents - giver. food - taker.
Do you like gummy candies?: yes.
t h e l e t t e r H
How are you?: good thanks. cept i havent done my 3500 essay.
What's your height?: we discussed this today. 5"3 we reckon.
What colour is your hair?: blonde.
t h e l e t t e r I
What's your favorite ice cream?: sainsburys triple chocolate
Have you ever ice skated?: yes yes yes.
t h e l e t t e r J
What's your favorite jelly bean?: i dislike them
Do you wear jewelry?: yes, necklace, bracelet and lots of big smelly earings.
t h e l e t t e r K
Who do you want to kill?: you
Do you want kids: not yet.
Where did you have kindergarten?: HORSHAM TOWN
t h e l e t t e r L
Are you laid back?: suppose.
Do you lie?: yes quite frequently. i am a cunt.
t h e l e t t e r M
What's your favorite movie?: little miss sunshine pretty much sums up my life.
Do you still watch Disney movies?: naw.
Do you like mangos?: not too sure.
t h e l e t t e r N
Do you have a nickname?: bitty
Whats your favorite number?: i have none, that is for losers.
Do you prefer night over day?: night for drinking
t h e l e t t e r O
What’s your one wish?: that someone could do my essays for me
Are you an only child?: nope, youngest of three
Do you wish this was over? yes
t h e l e t t e r P
What one fear are you most paranoid about? getting pregnant
t h e l e t t e r Q
Are you quick to judge people?: depending on how in my face they are. actually yea i am very quick.
t h e l e t t e r R
Do you think you're always right?: no, but i do sometimes have trouble admitting im wrong when ive argued for hours that im right.
Do you watch reality tv?: not in 2007 yet.
What’s a good reason to cry?: when you personally have fucked your own life up.
t h e l e t t e r S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: sun
Do you like snow?: love it. but not that yellow stuff. too adventurous.
What's your favorite season?: autumn
t h e l e t t e r T
What time is it?: 3.34pm
What time did you wake up? 7am
When was the last time you slept in a tent?: reading festival. hahaha.
t h e l e t t e r U
What is your favorite kind of underwear?: yours
Can you ride a unicycle?: no. but i;d like to try
t h e l e t t e r V
What’s the worst veggie?: one that doesnt eat anything that was killed and only east things that have died naturally like seeds. I HATE THEM.
Where do you want to go on vacation? Newquay. again.
t h e l e t t e r W
What's your worst habit?: probably lying, because im so convincing and rarely feel bad.
Where do you live? Bath & Horsham
t h e l e t t e r X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: yes but they wouldnt let me keep the one of my skull.
Have you seen the x-games?: no?
Do you own a xylophone?: no :(
t h e l e t t e r Y
Do you like the color yellow?: yea it looks good. you go yellow
What year were you born in?: 1987 THE year to be born in. not like those 1986 buggers (nubbin and gemma)
t h e l e t t e r Z
Do you believe in the zodiac?: erm no.
What's your favorite zoo animal?: penguins