Apr 07, 2006 23:48
::Once you are tagged you MUST write a blog entry about your 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.::
1. If you pay attention to my hands while im giving someone directions, or thinking about which way to turn, you will see that i rub my middle finger with my forefinger in order to tell which way is left or right. Its something ive done ever since i was made fun of in elementary for constantly putting up my thumb and forefinger in the shapes of L's to see which way is left. I have a writing bump on my right middle finger, and when i feel it with my finger, i know that is right, and the other is left. If you pay attention, you can see me do it inadvertently, its more a habit now than necessary.
2. When i am really irritated, and am trying my best to hide it by pretending to be tired or something else, i often play with my eye brows, or rub them. It becomes more of a distraction from the annoyance more than anything.
3. Some of you may find this incredibly disgusting, but i usually clean my ears with bobby pins. I have always had a problem with earwax building up in my ears, and one time when i went to the doctor to get my ears cleaned, my grandma told me that if you use a bobby pin to scrape it out, rather than a q-tip (which often times, when performed wrong, by most people, will actually push the wax farther back into the ear, and that is usually causes a clog) so, ever since, ive used bobby pins. But i don't use them afterwards, i throw them away.
4. Usually, when im nervous or uncomfortable, or in a new environment, i won't know what to do with my hands, so i'll sit on them, or stick them between my legs to get them out of sight. Sometimes, ill even just cross my arms, which usually make people think im upset with something, or defensive.
5. Something, that entirely bugs me to no end what so ever is people talking during movies. I hate movie nights. A movie that was made to sit around and talk to friends with over, is not a movie worth watching, and therefore should not exist in the first place. TV was created for interaction, not movies.
6. When i was younger, i had a horrible speech impediment, no one could ever understand what i said. Sometimes, when im nervous, have too much to say at one time,or am arguing with someone, my mis speech will come back to me, and sometimes it takes a few minutes for me to get it back to normal. I couldn't pronounce R's and every Vowel was loose, and i stuttered. Alot of it also comes back to me when im singing, and trying to read the music, and not really paying any attention to what i am saying. I'm sure some of you have noticed.
ok, well, lets see. I'd like Lizzie, Karl, Laura, Hilary, Kate, and Rachel to be tagged next. If any one else would like to steal this from me, feel free.