I had a great time with a friend over the past several hours. We talked over coffee and bagels with various fruit spreads and we discussed anything and everything from our roleplays to old movies. It's a shame that the fun had to end and reality takes place. Glasgow really knew what to say to cheer me up despite that he plays a murderous
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I feel pretty stupid, but that's not out of the ordinary. (I usually assume "She" ebcause so much of the internet is female, this side. Forgive me. *dies of embarassment*)
I AM glad that someone's helping, though. I kept telling myself to send you an email involving turnips, and kept forgetting. (True story, actually. http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=203) It was going to be tremendously inspiring, and involve implications of flatulence towards your foes, but I'm scatterbrained in the extreme. I have a turnip!wonka icon if you ever wish to speak to these misguided young ladies again, though. I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm pretty sure given your temperment it'd be a misunderstanding, not genuine taffy-oriented malice.
Hey. I like silent movies, too. So many of the movies I DO see are actually old silent films, or talkies. (Too much Hitchcock, mostly.)
That character workshop idea would scare me a little, though. Probably because of the sorts of things I watch, though. Classic sci-fi doesn't really...do well in the real world. XD
I imagine many straight men would enjoy a world where Sigourney Weaver fights off parasitic lifeforms in her underwear, though.
I don't have a clue who msot actors are, though, so...
if it were just characters in general...isn't that what we do in an RPJ? Try to flesh out a character as though they were real? There's some appeal to doing something "unreal" but sooenr or later, they need to be made...realistic, just like everything else. The basis for good fantasy is a reality base to twist, right?
Here's a stripper!Malik icon to make us you feel better ^_^
Poor Glasgow...he seems to get as confused for the opposite gender as I do... And he doesn't even have a smelly name like me...
I don't seem to have coinciding time with him much for online purposes, but watching the way he structures the Joker's words--if that makes any sense--is pretty inspiring. His Joker-voice sounds really on-key. If I'd been surrounded by less female Joker-obsessed friends, I probably wouldn't have made the stupid assumption he was a girl just because he was on RP. ^^;; It's something subtle in the words I guess. He gets it "more-right" than most people?
That is...I make it soudn really complicated, but when he writes something down as a Joker-comment, it SOUNDS like the Joker. It's not just a string of movie phrases sprinkled together to make "canon Joker". He seems to really hit it on the head, and work with a fluid voice, which is harder to do, and better for that matter. He sells it, in other words, and manages the attitude that carries it as "canon Joker-esque."
So...uh...yeah, between his competance making me feel a little shabby, myself, and that stupid assumption on my part anyway, I feel pretty bad. I mean...especially if he gets that kind of thing a whole lot. ^^;;
I sure feel like I put my foot in my mouth from the start with him, and now I can't seem to remedy it, that is.
I mean, if he were on more often, I'd probably try to write him a fic or...make him icons, or SOMETHING to try to apologize a little better, but as it is...ugh...I just fail. *The internet equivalent of baking cookies for someone*
Really, I think it's all a matter of our own personal perception of what a character is and how they are played. Like me, he's watched his character very closely and digs deeper than any other player that I know that has ever played The Joker.
Speaking if time, he's going to be on a lot more once he's finished with his certifications. That's one of the biggest reasons he hasn't apped in the comms I'm in and my internet died on me which is why my response is so late.
Oh, while I'm thinking about it, Glasgow did say that he was inspired to play The Joker when a friend dared him to act the part where he meets up with the underground crime lords in the movie. He did it so well that I was floored and that's hard to do. XD Especially when he said the line where he could make a pencil disappear.
Bah. Whatever person said he's doing it wrong might be basing it off the Joker fromt he comics or something. He hits the movie!Joker perfectly, taken as a single performance and a single character-cut. (I'm not in on the rest of batman, but as a stand-alone from a stand-alone movie, his Joker's got it.)
Besides that, I have deep respect for anyone willing to throw themselves into, or research a character that effectively from the start. Even if one doesn't get a character "perfect" Plausibility of Interpretation to make a fascinating whole is laudable. To get a character perfect, however, takes far more skill, effort, and...finesse about it.
While I'd settle for having and interestingly plausible canon interp, he's PLAYING the Joker.
No more, no less.
So even for that level of skill alone, I'd say we'd be fortunate to have him, and I do look forward to his return. It's a privelege to play with someone of that level of excellence regardless. But even if someone else doesn't agree with me, the fact he's put that much work into it, and that much (accurate!) interpretation should be more than enough to place his pride in.
So regardless of what happens on Dear_Mun, he should be able to at least take pride in the exceptional dignity of his effort.
(And the same goes for you and your Willy Wonka, while I'm on it. ^^ Few peopel play on his fluid creativity the way you do, I'm sure. One doesn't need to painstakingly compare strings of Jokers or strings of Wonkas to see you and Glasgow-san have something pretty spectacular.)
My sympathies on the subject of Internet. I recently replaced my computer, myself...
The instant you two find time to come back, though, we'll probably be waiting with tea and dumplings. *snort* And...If nothing else, not being around seems to have upped the fan-esteem of you. Lord Whimsy would approve. Me? I just laugh.
In the mean time, my quasi-trolling on Dear_mun is putting in lackluster recruitment efforts, in all fair warning.
Oh, and I believe a bunch of us random folks wished you a happy birthday some time back. Hope that went well.
I wish exceeding luck, brilliance, and dillegence to Glasgow-san on his pursuit of his certifications. I'm certain he's NOT in a program reknowned for its low I.Q. scores, unlike myself, so it's probably good to wish that on him. *sigh*
Please do return. the presence of Straight men in any given forum not concerned with video games or ladies is something to be cherished.
And I for one, don't deal so well with being around only other women for extended periods of time, so a little testosterone, direct one-tracked-ness, and planning capability would probably be welcomed for taking some of the social stress off me when I'm NOT idolizing the portrayal depth and all that English-Major crap I love so dearly. Even among female friends I still get a little cranky over time when I have to keep utilizing female-to-female speech translations. Too many layers of speech and intentions to be decoded drives me a little nuts. ^^;; It's unintentional, but still a little stifling to me after so long in male company. So either way, I shoudl be pretty happy when you two pop back into existance after all you're going through
Oh, and Hizumi's writing Wonka a full scientific report-study on the effects of benderberry that he observed. Something to genuinely look forward to when you come back, I hope. XD
Best of luck on the move to England, too. I'm sure that's not helping matters in your time constraints anyway. (Or perhaps I've lost track and you're alrady there? I'm still not the most organized person in the world, there.)
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