
Jan 16, 2013 15:43

On my twitter feed this morning I came across a link to this article.


and my first response was...WHY IS THIS EVEN AN ISSUE? OMG! GET a life..or better yet, Look at the lives around you.

SO MUCH more important stuff in this world to be ranting about and this person rants about double spaces after a sentence.

I had no clue this even existed. I've never ever heard of double spacing after a sentence. and yes I've read why it was started and STILL don't know why it was ever an issue.
Yes I am self taught in typing. No I am not an editor or English major type person. Yet I can communicate. Maybe not elegantly or gramatically correct. But I think most people can understand what I want to get across to them. But never has anyone ever told me...you put two spaces behind your sentence. YOU FAIL!
I find the rant utterly ridiculous  and I am appalled although impressed this person actually was paid money to write that article.

and now I have ranted....but mine was free. hehehehe
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