That's interesting. I think I want to do some tests on my own drives. I've got both USB 2.0 and Firewire 400 drives, and I'll try moving several gigs of data to see what kind of real world speeds I get. In ideal situations, with overhead, I would think you'd get 30-40MB/sec over USB 2.0. What is the drive in the USB enclosure rated at?
11.09MB/s on Firewire 400, older drive, newer machine. 17.31MB/s on USB 2.0, newer drive, older machine.
Both running Ubuntu 8.04. Tests involved a transfer of between 15 and 17 GB. I would say either there's a bottleneck with the drive or other system resources are the limiting factor.
I moved the 3 G from C: to 3 different USB drives, each plugged into it's own port on the computer (not daisy chained). The first two gave about 13.5 MB/s and the 3rd gave 12-13.5 MB/s. The only thing running on the system was the AV software (in monitor mode, not active scan), and whatever system services were active at the time... no actively running programs in the foreground.
Comments 4
17.31MB/s on USB 2.0, newer drive, older machine.
Both running Ubuntu 8.04. Tests involved a transfer of between 15 and 17 GB. I would say either there's a bottleneck with the drive or other system resources are the limiting factor.
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