Jan 20, 2009 10:46
Goodbye George Bush, and goodbye America. Despite all the simple-minded haters out there that blame you for everything, especially things out of your control, you kept us safe from future terror attacks. You might not have been the best President we've ever had, but you certainly were not the worst, either.
Hello Barack Obama, and hello France. I'm guessing by the time your 4 years are up, we will be living in a Socialist Democracy like France. You'll spend money like it's going out of style, put us into deeper debt, buy up all the businesses that you can, break lots of laws to suit your every need, and help China and India become super-powers (as we lose that status). We will become less competitive in the world, and probably be stuck in a long recession. The will of minorities will far outweigh the rights of the majority, and I figure the Constitution will be worth less than a sheet of used toilet paper once you're done with it.