(no subject)

Jun 12, 2004 23:11

I'm not sure if all of my points were correct, but it was fun. I also realized how much my abilty to argue and come across as competent has improved in the last couple months.

Annihilati0n X: Give me one good reason why you don't like Bush.
PurpelSnurf: Well, for one thing, he is amazingly biased towards the rich. He feels that those with money are the only people worth listening to. That stance leaves him open to bribery and the tendency to make decisions based on what would be more profitable, as opposed to what would be best for the country and our national relations.
PurpelSnurf: him open to*
Annihilati0n X: How do you get this he is biased towards rich?
PurpelSnurf: Hold on two seconds
Annihilati0n X: Negitive.
PurpelSnurf: http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/fahrenheit_911/
Annihilati0n X: He isn't biased you blieve that only this certine type of person can have tax cuts.It is unfair to the people that work there ass's off to become rich.
Annihilati0n X: Also if you notice the rich support democrats more then they do repbulicans.
Annihilati0n X: Also another thing is the stock market likes Bush.
Annihilati0n X: Stock market is good
PurpelSnurf: The parties are moot.
Annihilati0n X: Right,Choose the better.
PurpelSnurf: And the stock market is just a term for something that would take place anyway.
Annihilati0n X: Bush is the better.
Annihilati0n X: You probley watch CNN to much.
PurpelSnurf: I don't watch TV at all.
Annihilati0n X: lol
Annihilati0n X: Well then going to to many liberal websites
PurpelSnurf: Bush is not better, nor is he terrible. I would rather have Bush in office than Cheney.
Annihilati0n X: See the problem is liberals are morons.
PurpelSnurf: Do you even understnad the difference between liberals and conservatives?
Annihilati0n X: I have one thing to say.
PurpelSnurf: Okay
Annihilati0n X: I am a repbulican.
Annihilati0n X: Conservative.
Annihilati0n X: Is a
Annihilati0n X: old time doesnt wanna do anything obsene
Annihilati0n X: just follow the rules which I do not
Annihilati0n X: repbulican has nothing to do with conservative i believe.
PurpelSnurf: Good. You're right.
PurpelSnurf: Republican, Democract, they're just labels. Ignore them. What you need to judge is what people do and say.
Annihilati0n X: I do believe in the base of what conservitive is becasue if there wasnt that then we'd have people running around naked and fucking in front of us
Annihilati0n X: gay people fucking
PurpelSnurf: What's wrong with that?
Annihilati0n X: lol
Annihilati0n X: gay people fucking in front of you?
Annihilati0n X: Oh sperm goes into your eye
Annihilati0n X: oops sorry joe
PurpelSnurf: I have a problem if they're doing it in front of me. But not if it happens behind closed doors and in private.
Annihilati0n X: Exactly my point
Annihilati0n X: Most "liberals" want them to be in everything.
PurpelSnurf: Just makig sure you're not one of the "GAY IS BAD" types.
Annihilati0n X: gay is bad
Annihilati0n X: :D
Annihilati0n X: I could careless what they do behind there own shit
Annihilati0n X: but....when they want marrage....no..
PurpelSnurf: No, it's not. Gay is different. And the different is always focused upon by the ruling class so as to oppress and keep control.
Annihilati0n X: I say go let them make there own richual
PurpelSnurf: But it's not the christian's ritual either.
Annihilati0n X: Marriage is a religous bind.
PurpelSnurf: The cirrent marital cerimony is a composite of many, many other things.
Annihilati0n X: Agreed but the point is that they dont call it marriage they call it something else
PurpelSnurf: If it's a religious bind, then why do you need govermental approval?
PurpelSnurf: Okay
Annihilati0n X: I am not sure about that part.All I know is that when they are doing there vows and stuff the guy is either a preacher or a preist and in the Bible it clearly states that being gay is bad really bad meaning that its an abomination so your going to hell no matter what inless you change.
PurpelSnurf: Eek, wrong window.
Annihilati0n X: that is the problem I have is that they will push into things that they are not supposed to be in and are agienst peoples relgions or whatever
PurpelSnurf: So, you have no problem, so long as the couple doesn't get a Christian ceremony performed?
Annihilati0n X: as long as they go somewhere else and make there own retarded richual "gay gay homo binding ricual"
PurpelSnurf: Eh, I don't think it should be that big an issue. Marriage is about "joining" two people in love under an official title, regardless of what sexes the two are.
Annihilati0n X: well the base's is that its relgion
Annihilati0n X: religious and i understand why people dont want that to be apart of it
PurpelSnurf: Imagine you wanted to marry this amazing beautiful woman, and you get everything planned out and perfectly arranged. You have your wedding dates set, a chapel picked out. But the whole time you're planning your wedding no one knows that you like blueberries. Then, before the ceremony, someone finds out about that you like blueberries, and the wedding is called off.
PurpelSnurf: Your wedding is ruined because of a thing that you cannot control.
Annihilati0n X: I wouldn't eat blueberries anymore
PurpelSnurf: But it's deeper than that. It's not a choice for those people.
Annihilati0n X: ...
PurpelSnurf: I guess eye color would be a better example.
Annihilati0n X: That right there is one of the biggest lies that the gays try to say.
PurpelSnurf: Brown eyed people can get married, but blue eyed people can't.
Annihilati0n X: They also believe that a murder is also born a murder
Annihilati0n X: so why put him in prision?
Annihilati0n X: Just let him kill more people its alright he was born with it
PurpelSnurf: Why not accept him for what he is?
Annihilati0n X: lol so if he killed say your wife or your kids
Annihilati0n X: What you say?
Annihilati0n X: Oh its alright he was born with it
PurpelSnurf: That puts a personal level on it.
PurpelSnurf: To make the argument balanced you'd have to imagine that you, or someone you care about is raped by a gay man or woman.
Annihilati0n X: You mould who you are
Annihilati0n X: You want to become gay you do.
Annihilati0n X: You want to be happy you bcome it.
Annihilati0n X: You want to be rich you will be.
PurpelSnurf: It is easy to condem someone if they do something to you. If someone murders, of course the family of the murdered person will want to kill, imprision, and slander the person who hurt their family.
Annihilati0n X: You change your self.You can change even if it is hard.If you like to eat that food so much but if you eat it you could die or be sick or eventually die from it
PurpelSnurf: But when the person doesn't hurt you, it is irrisponsible and unfair to discriminate against them
Annihilati0n X: Although I'd have to say this.eventully if we let this heppen we are going to have people start marrying there own animels.
Annihilati0n X: or something like that
Annihilati0n X: The point is they can do whatever.
Annihilati0n X: Just stay away from me and everyone else that doesnt want it
PurpelSnurf: No, no, even I'm against that. I just think people should be free to do the things that make them happy.
Annihilati0n X: the relgious mijority doesnt want it.
Annihilati0n X: So the gays are infringing on there rights
Annihilati0n X: And also in everyones mind straight person if you see two guys holding hands man doesnt something go like naturaly go ew thats sick?
PurpelSnurf: Think about it this way: if our society is willing to be captured by and glamorize gays to the point that they are given a show based soley on the fact that they are homosexual and act as such, then why should we limit them from marrying each other and being happy?
Annihilati0n X: lol
PurpelSnurf: :-P You know it's true
Annihilati0n X: very good point becasue the people that dont want it dont control tv
Annihilati0n X: Its the companys
Annihilati0n X: That run it
Annihilati0n X: and this is why i say that the rich like the democrats more
PurpelSnurf: They do though. Who do you think controls what is allowed on tv? The FCC. And who does the FCC answer to? The President. Bush and no one else.
Annihilati0n X: Look at what he is doing now
Annihilati0n X: lol
PurpelSnurf: About the gay guys holding hands bit: Sure, you go "ew". But are they hurting you?
Annihilati0n X: They are hurting my brain
PurpelSnurf: He doesn't approve each individual show. It's just that if the people backing him really wanted the show to be gone or changed, they would. But they aren't because gays, as novelties, are socialy acceptable.
PurpelSnurf: And if we can laugh at, watch, or allow ourselves to be dressed, floofed up, and advised by gays like they are normal people, why shouldn't we extend them the same rights?
Annihilati0n X: You know what would happen that would be crousing the line for Bush to say just to stop showing it.Cause then the people would go on a outrage and wouldnt show the part about gays they'd put that under the rug more but they'd have other things.
Annihilati0n X: I dont agree with it.When I see these idiots on tv...I turn it off.and go watch naked girls for 3-4 hours
PurpelSnurf: You might, but the shows have stayed on the air for a reason; people watch them, enough people to make it profitable.
Annihilati0n X: Its called consrovursy
Annihilati0n X: or the more they show these things
Annihilati0n X: Everyone will just except them
Annihilati0n X: They are tired of getting annoyed with this shit so they just except them hopping that they will just go away
PurpelSnurf: Okay, so I'll just wait a while until gays are accepted and allowed to marry one another.
Annihilati0n X: People will eventually give up.
PurpelSnurf: Good. That needs to happen more often.
Annihilati0n X: Give up rezisiting these people.Just out of fuck it.
Annihilati0n X: like fuck it who gives a shit
Annihilati0n X: i am going to do my own shit
PurpelSnurf: You do obviously, or we wouldn't have been talking for the last 35 minutes
PurpelSnurf: Okay
Annihilati0n X: i dont think its right but thats whats going to heppen eventully
Annihilati0n X: Yes
PurpelSnurf: Okay
Annihilati0n X: All I know is that sence I have a large penis I should get ten times more women then i do now
PurpelSnurf: Completly different issue, and I'm not even going to argue about that with you.
Annihilati0n X: :D

The cut is just for you, John. I like my comments being flame free. =P
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