The Truth vs What I Say To Myself About Myself

Nov 20, 2009 10:41

I've been going through tons of changes in the past 3 months, and I think I need to own up to some things.

I've said the below things about myself quite a bit:

1) I don't want or like change and like stability and predictability
2) I am not detail oriented and details freak me out
3) I dislike travel

None of these things are really true though, because honestly, I've felt more alive and alert and like I'm finally FINALLY FINALLY really living life after all those years (years!) of being bored and comfortable and vaguely irritated in New York and what's changed?

- My life now has tons of unpredictability. Daily, some new challenge or problem or mess needs solving. New people, all very smart, very ambitious, with very strong personalities, are joining the team all the time, seating arrangements are changing, assignments are shifting. I love it. Plus we might be looking at rotations, postings overseas for some and postings to regional Korean cities for others.

- I love doing contract drafting and review. It's all about the details - dates, delivery terms, nitpicking out inconsistencies - on top of the legal issues. On a good day (and most days are good) I feel like a watchmaker, making sure all my pieces fit together to come to a beautiful, functioning whole (at least on paper). It's fun.

- I didn't like Medford, but the chance to get on a plane or jump on a bus and go somewhere totally new? It's refreshing. it really is. Plus I rank the physical sensation of going into flight and landing safely after flight, and the physical sensations of driving, as one of the great pleasures a human can experience.
So -

I thrive on change and new challenges, and get bored and stagnant without them.
I am detail oriented (and am working on getting numbers oriented, because I see from Le Prez that being able to memorize numbers is a very good source of power and authority).
I love flying and the sense of possiblity and human endeavor and organization that is in even the worst airports.

life project

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