A simple dice bag with a little gold skull on it. Skull design was taken from
Diesel Sweeties.
Two balls Paton's Brilliant, one in gold(or silver) and one in black. Black is MC.
One set of 5 US size 2 DPNs.
Using a provisional cast on, CO 6 sts in MC.
Row 1: Knit all sts.
Row 2: slip 1st sts onto stitch holder, bar inc, k to 2 sts from end, bar inc, slip last sts onto stitch holder.
Row 3: bar inc, knit to 1 sts from end, bar inc.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until there are 12 sts on needle
Row 1: bar inc, k to 1 sts from end, bar inc
Row 2: slip 1st sts onto stitch holder, k to 1 sts from end, slip last sts onto stitch holder
Repeat rows 1 and 2 for a total of 6 rows.
Row 1: k all sts
Row 2: slip 1st sts onto stitch holder, k to 1 sts from end, slip last sts onto stitch holder
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 6 sts on needle.
Move all sts off stitch holders onto 4 DPNs, dividing number of sts evenly.
Row 1: k all sts on all needles
Row 2: (k, bar inc, k to 2 sts from end, bar inc, k) on each needle
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 16 sts on each needle.
Continue in st st for two rows. Then continue in st st in the round, but on one needle, using stranding, implement the following chart on one of the needles, with 1 st of padding on the edge of the needle on each side of the skull:
(MC 2, CC 2, MC 2, CC 2, MC 2, CC 2, MC 2) X2 rows
(MC 2, CC 10, MC 2) X2 rows
(CC 6,MC 2,CC 6) X2 rows
(CC 14) X2 rows
(CC 2,MC 4,CC 2,MC 4, CC 2) X2 rows
(CC 14) X2 rows
(MC 2,CC 10,MC 2) X2 rows
Continue in st st for two rows.
Row 1: (k, ssk, k to 3 sts from end, k2tog, k) on each needle
Row 2: k all sts on each needle
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 10 sts on each needle.
K one row
*k4, bo 2, repeat from * to end of row
*inc, k2, inc, repeat from * to end of row
k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
K one row
BO all sts.
Weave in the ends. Knit a foot long 3 st wide icord and thread it through the holes, the tie should go at the absent hole at the beginning of the row. Once threaded, tie a granny knot through the very ends of the icord and darn the knots in place. Fill bag with coins, gold dice, dice carved from human bones, or perhaps little shrunken heads.
*backdated entry originally posted to
1337 knitters*