May 05, 2005 14:46
I'm tired of being confused, of waiting for the right thing to come along. I shouldn't care about it. When will we all be able to have the right thing? Will we even know when the right thing comes along? What if the possibility of the right thing comes along? What will you do, how will you act? How do you become better at the whole dating thing b/c I pretty much suck at it apparently. I read this Bible verse last night that gave me a whole lot of hope 1Corinthians 13:1-13. WOW does it open up your eyes to how you treat people. We should show love to everyone b/c that is what God calls us to do. It should not matter how they treat us we should still strive to show that love.So a bunch of us decided to start a Bible study on Mon. Nights I am very excited about it. Less than a month till Me, Cierra, Sara, and Stephanie go to Cali. I'm so excited about that, but who wouldn't be a week without parents telling you what to do or where to go. It's going to be so much fun. Lets see 21 days till I graduate wow thats weird to think about. It's strange to think how I want so bad for this part of my life to be over. All the time nowing that when it is I will want to come back to this time of innocence, fun, and just the unknowing of what will happen next. What I worry about now will seem so trivial in a couple of years. I feel as if I am running out of time and I'm disappearing into the vastness of the worldto never be thought of again. I wish I could sleep for like 3 days and when I wake all my problems would be gone. How funny is it that I'm listenig to Jacob play the guitar right now. This is awesome! well i guess I'm out