Last night, at my small group meeting, we watched a sermon on a video called "How great is our God". Louie Giglio was preaching about God and how great He is. Louie mentioned some amazing facts, like the 4 biggest stars that God created.
For example, one star is so big that if you would compare it with the Earth, the Earth would be like the size of a golf ball and that particular start would be like 6 Empire State buildings on top of each other!! WOW WOW. :-D
God is so great and awesome! :-)
Another fact that I learned is that there is a certain protein called Laminin, which literally holds us together, our body together, it holds all the membranes in our body, the tissues etc. And the most amazing thing, this protein looks like this:
It looks like a cross!! :-O Our bodies are hold together by many many little crosses!! God made this little protein, but very important protein look like a cross. more info about Laminin I think this is so amazing that I had to share it with you.
I will leave you with this picture, it's from the black hole in the middle of Whirlpool galaxy.
This too looks like a cross :-)