Title: Tomato and Condensed Milk
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Crack pairing Sakai x Ruki
Rating: G
Warning: CRACK PAIRING and my mild writing. idk if the feelings reach you.( You've been warned)
Synopsis: Odd but good...
“You’re fat,”
“I know”
“You smell weird,”
“I know”
“You’re an idiot,”
“I know,”
“You’re fat, You smell weird, You're an idiot and Koron-chan hates you,”
“I know,”
“Stupid,” Ruki hit the older man on his arms and a fit of giggles escaped from him, surprising the other man who’s too focused on the road.
“Eh.. eh?!! What? Did I say something wrong?!” Sakai panicked for a bit while trying to keep focused on the road. He can’t risk an accident or else for today is an important day. It is Ruki’s recording day for the soon to release single which will be out in a couple of weeks.
“No, Stupid. You’re just too funny for your own good,” the vocalist still giggling. Ruki knows he is being mean but he can’t help to make fun of their manager who willingly accepted their harsh remarks and takes it as a joke. He even made a blog just to tell stories to their fan about him being bullied daily; which Ruki finds amusing and cute and it makes him want to jump on his manager and kiss him for his silliness.
But here’s the catch. No one knows.
Yeah, no one knows they’re secretly dating. Oh nooooo. They can’t speak of it or people would flip. Here’s the picture….
Ruki is a vocalist from a very well known band; the Gazette. He is being worshipped, lifted up high as a god for his talents and his ways teasing the crowd during lives. He is also being look up by fashion designers for his (not so) keen eyes on designs (when he just randomly mix and match everything. Hallelujah for being famous!). He is nothing but ordinary for his fashion statement for every new costume they wear. Ruki will make full use of his clothes to make a huge fashion statement. That is Ruki, high class, talented and godly sexy ( according to some fans).
Sakai on the other hand is just a mere manager whom helps the boys to keep track of their schedule and entertain the boys for he makes fun of himself. He likes to fool around with the boys which in the end finds himself being bullied before proceeding to do more stupid things. He is a very care free manager and a good sport too. Nothing more than that. He is a mere manager of the GazettE (but it seems like he is having his own fan base ever since he started blogging. )
And both of them together is like eating tomatoes with condensed milk. Yes, Ruki finds it weird. Tomato and condensed milk don’t go together. It is out of the norm and it never really crossed his mind that there are such ways to eat tomatoes. But once you tried eating it, it’ll take you by surprise how deliciously good it is! And that’s how both of them are. Odd but good.
“Alright, I’ll see you in the studio,” Sakai stopped the van in front of the building. Instead of opening the door and went off merrily, Ruki crossed his arms with a disappointed look on his face. He shook his head and refuses to get out from the vehicle. “You forgot something,” the vocalist huffed.
“Eh? There is???!!!!??!” Sakai quickly took out his planner and scanned through it numerous times. He didn’t and he was sure he had written everything down before the day comes. He began to panic. ”But I’m sure I’ve checked! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I may have left out something that you’ve told me earlier!”
It wasn’t a minute later Ruki starts giggling again. He just can’t help from being a big bully at times and bullying someone bigger appeals to him since he is always being short but bullying Sakai is better since he'll start to panic for nothing in particular.“Silly fatso,” he laughed and leaned to Sakai’s side and gave a quick kiss on those chubby cheeks. “I’ll see you at the studio, idiot,” he beamed with a smile and left a very much confused Sakai.
“uhhhh…… What did I forget? “ the chubby manager scratched his head, asking himself for he is still unable to process his slow mind as he drove the mini van to the parking lot.
A/N: (Yes, Sakai. You're an idiot but we love you. LOL )